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The long and awaited day was finally here. It's Friday night and Alex was so excited about Jade going, he practically told the whole school. Mostly girls, even though he knew that she was taken he assumed girls would still want to party with her.

Perrie was already in Jesy's house where they got ready. She decided to wear a tight black dress that showed all her curves. Her hair was down like always, wavy and parted right in the middle. Jesy did her make up, a nice smokey eye with red lipstick to match. She looked absolutely stunning and Jesy continued to tease her about staying the night at Jade's.

"All set?" Chris knocked on the door opening it slightly so they could hear him but not enough to see him. He was a gentleman like that. "All set!" Jesy replied and off they went to the party. Perrie was nervous, she didn't know why. Maybe it was because a lot of people, if not, everyone in the party knows she's with Jade or if it was because she's anxious in going to another party in general. Either way, she shook the thoughts away. She'll try to have as much fun as possible with her friends and her girlfriend.

When they arrived, the house already looked packed. People making out in the drive way and smoking in one corner. It looked like the party started hours ago with the way everyone was already tripping over things. Perrie wondered how Alex had never gotten a noise complaint because she could hear the music blasting from outside. Perrie knew that Jade was already inside since she was helping Alex with drinks before the party started so she went to look for her.

A hand travels down her waist, Perrie smiled assuming it was her girlfriend but immediately frowned when she sees a tall curly haired guy smirking at her. She pulls away from his touch, "I don't bite." he leans in so she could hear him better and watched as Perrie fidgets under his eyes, "I'm Harry." he reaches for her hand and she hesitates to shake it but does so, not wanting to be rude or make things awkward. "I'm Perrie." she clears her throat.

"Can I get you a drink?"

"No thank you, I'm looking for someone." he chuckles at her politeness before leaning in again a little bit closer than the last time, "Just stay with me instead."

"No, I thi-" before she could finish her sentence a hand pulls her waist away from him startling her once again.

"She's with me, Harry." the grip tightens with every word and Perrie let a sigh of relief when she notices the familiar curls and perfect features.

"For a night maybe, let me have this one Thirlwall. We can make it even." Harry smirked at Jade who stayed calm.

"She's mine, find someone else." Jade glared at him. Perrie felt that there was tension and some unfinished business between the two curly haired brunette's in front of her. His eyes travels down to see her grip on Perrie's waist and then darts his eyes back to Jade with a raised eyebrow. "You've settled?"

"Yes, I have." Harry lets out a laugh that almost had him in tears, "We'll see how long this one lasts. I'll get you back eventually." he says before leaving them and letting out another laugh.

"What does he mean by..."

"Don't worry about it. Are you ok? He didn't do anything to you, did he?" Jade looked at her with worried eyes which only made Perrie more curious. She was twice more protective than she usually was.

"No, nothing." she shook her head, "Good. Stay away from him." Jade pecks her lips before taking a small step back to see get a better look at Perrie, "You look gorgeous." she smiles and Perrie returns it, "I can't wait to rip that dress off you later." she whispers so only Perrie could hear. "Who said I was going to let you do that?"

"Okay, the dress can stay on. A piece of clothing won't stop me." Perrie rolled her eyes and slightly pushed Jade's shoulder before heading to the kitchen where the drinks were. The brunette followed her, making sure no one did anything to her. As they push their way through the hall eyes were on them. Perrie looked back at Jade for some comfort. Jade noticed and grabbed her hand while giving high fives and fist pumps to people who called out her name with her free hand. Even though she didn't know them, they knew her.

The kitchen was surprisngly less crowded considering the counter table was filled with drinks. "You don't drink much, do you?" Jade says letting go of Perrie's hand and mixing drinks in red solo cups. "I drink, but I'm a little bit of a lightweight." Perrie responds watching her mix drinks like a professional. She wore a white T under her green blazer with a matching green trousers, she made it look effortlessly casual yet formal.

"Alright then, Miss Edwards. Would you like to try my special invention? I call it J'adrink!" Jade says in an exaggerated  accent and handed the red solo cup to her. Perrie laughed at the gesture and took a sip, "Are we trying to get wasted tonight?" Perrie cringed at the burning sensation she felt when the alcohol travelled down her throat. "I'm going to have to drink twice as much to get as drunk as you." Jade chuckled and drank the liquor as if it was water.

After a few more drinking, teasing and talking Perrie was already a tipsy and wanted to enjoy her night with her friends so she grabs Jade's hand and pulls her to the living room where it was the most crowded and where the music was the loudest. She saw Jesy and Leigh Anne in the middle of the crowd and made her way to the girls, laughing and jumping. It looked like Jesy was already extremely drunk because of the way she would try to hang onto Perrie's shoulder every once in a while to keep her from falling. Perrie didn't mind it because she was doing the same. They laughed hysterically and Jade couldn't help but smile at the sight. Drunk Perrie is probably one of her favourite sides of Perrie. She hadn't realise she was just standing and staring until she felt somebody grind against her body.

"Woah, there!" she lifted her hands in the air and backed away from the body.

"Jade! I'm soo glad you're here!" she continued to rub her body against the brunette but two hands on her shoulders held her up right. Jade saw the state of her and could tell she was too drunk to keep a conversation going, "It's been forever! I missed you!" she wraps her arms around Jade and gave her a tight hug. Jade held her up right careful with where her hands laid and looked at Chris who sat on the couch. He had a glass of juice being the responsible one in the relationship knowing he had to drive a drunk Jesy home. He never really drank anyways, since he cared more for football and his health.

Jade gave him a look and nodded at the two drunk girls grinding girls who laughed at how drunk they were. Chris understood exactly what she was trying to say and nodded back. "Who did you come with, Lauren?" Jade shouts in her ear as she dragged her away from the crowd.

"Fuck all I know!" the dark haired girl with striking features slurred trying to keep herself up but failing. Jade sighed and looked at her hooded eyes as she zoned out. "Are we gonna fuck now? I know you don't fuck drunk girls but I swear it will be with my consent!" she shouted.

Jade doesn't say anything, when she realises that dragging her was no use she lifted her up and placed her on her shoulder. She carried her to one of Alex's guest rooms. The whole situation felt extremely familiar. She placed her on the bed where she flopped down. "Stay here, I'm going to get you some water." Jade turns to open the door.

"I don't need water!" she yelled out causing Jade to turn and protest but paused with wide eyes when she sees Lauren strip. "What are you doing! Nonono." Jade runs towards her and stops her hand from removing anymore clothes.

"I'm getting ready to fuck, Thirlwall!" she grabs her shoulders and pushes her down on the bed and straddles her lap. Jade panicked and flipped them around now pinning her down. This looks really bad.

"We're not having sex, Lauren. I don't do that anymore. I have a girlfriend now." Jade looked her in the eyes and spoke sternly so she knew she was serious. The drunk girl beneath her didn't buy it though.

"You're not funny Jade." Lauren scoffed and grabbed Jade's member causing her to groan, not at how good it felt but how painful she dug her nails in. Before Jade could pull away or shout at her she heard the door knob turn. Her head immidiately turned to face the door and to her horror, she sees a glassy eyed Perrie with her hand over her mouth.

"Perrie! It's not what it looks like!" Perrie shook her head and stumbled down the stairs, pushing through anyone in her way not caring anymore. She ran outside as tears rolled down her cheeks.


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