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It's been a little over a week since the group of friends went to the fair and Jade was starting to think Perrie was avoiding her. They would give each other little comments as they passed one another in the school hallways but other than that they haven't had a chance to talk alone. It wasn't like her to overthink or worry about a girl but Perrie was different. They had history and she was the one that shaped the brunette into who she is now. Though Perrie is always in her mind, there are moments when she flirts with other girls and get the urges to sleep with them but the thought of the blonde makes her shake the urges away and she goes home another night with nobody on her bed.

"Why so distracted, Thirlwall?" Alex lightly bumps Jade's shoulder startling her and bringing her back to reality. She had been checking out random girls as they walked by her, she didn't care if anyone caught her doing so. "Oh I see, no sex?" Alex says as he joins her. They leaned back on the school bench rating and talking about each girl that passed by.

"It's been two weeks." Jade groans throwing her head back and now looking at the blue sky with very little to no clouds. Alex's eyes widen, he opens his mouth but decides to think before he speaks. He hasn't mentioned Perrie since the night of the party because she asked him not to but there were questions in the back of his head and he was curious about a lot of things. He throws his head back so they're in the same position "Since sex?"

"Yeah." Jade takes a deep breath and lets out a loud sigh. They sit in silence watching the clouds slowly move until Jade sits up. Alex could feel that there was something in Jade's mind. Following her actions he sits up then looks at her.

"You like Edwards, don't you?" he says breaking the silence. There was something calm about his voice that caught Jade off guard. Alex was never the one to be serious and it seems like he wants to know their history too. Jade looks at him with a blank face and then leans back glancing at girls' mini skirts and tight shorts again, trying to ignore the thought of her liking someone and not just for sex. Alex's eyes didn't leave her so she lets out a forced chuckle but it sounds like a nervous laugh.

"You know I don't settle, Alex. What? You going soft on me or something?" Jade avoids eye contact and continues to whistle at girls to distract herself from eyes of the curly haired boy next to her.

He knows Jade well enough to know that she uses partying and sex to avoid her problems so he leans back and joins her. "Nah, I'm just messing. Edwards is a fine chick." He smirks knowing this will get Jade to talk. Unexpectedly, Jade doesn't say anything and gives him a nod. "You've been acting weird lately." he continues.

"How so?"

"Ever since.. never mind." Alex shakes his head deciding that Jade probably still doesn't want to talk about it. He pats the brunettes back then smiles at her, changing the subject he starts to talk about football and how there's a big match on Friday. He asks her if she's going to be there, "Why do you even ask me if I'm going to be there, I never miss a game." Jade smiles, "Drinks after?"

"You know it." Alex winks before leaving Jade with her thoughts as he walks over to the rest of the football team that called for him. Jade watches as the group of boys throw and pass each other the ball.

"Hey, Jade."

Jade turns to the voice and examines her. She looked familiar but Jade didn't know where she had seen her before. "Sup." she replies still eyeing her up and down. At this point Jade could undress anyone with her eyes, she noticed how petite the girl was and immediately knew what her body type under those clothes. It had become a bad habit of Jade's and she knew it was going to take a while for her to stop.

"I saw you at the fair, wanted to ask you a question." She says as she sits down so close to Jade she's basically on top of her. Her voice was flirtatious and it didn't help Jade's libido at all. Jade subconsciously spread her legs to get more physical contact. Two weeks of no sex was a lot for Jade so this little touch is setting her alarm bells off.

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