chapter 3 - stupid seeker

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september 1, 1975 

great hall


Lily POV 

After arriving at the castle, we all sat in the great hall after the sorting. The feast then began. 

Alice and I were talking about the summer homework that Professor Slughorn had assigned too much of when Sirius got this evil glint in his eyes and grabbed Alice and walked out, leaving me alone with Potter, Lupin, and Peter. 

"Sooooo Evans. Truth or Dare?" Potter said with a smirk on his face.

"We gave the game up after we got off the train, stupid." I say. 

"Awww well that's too bad. Truth or Dare." 

"Dare." I said boredly. 

"Let me carry you to your dorm after dinner." He said smugly. 

I nearly spat out my pumpkin juice and looked at him with knives in my eyes. 

"You're even cuter when you're mad, Evans." 

I give up. But on second thought-

"Potter truth or dare?" 

"Dare. I'm in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart." 

"Ok then. Let me do your makeup for your first Quiddich game."

Potter looked just as horrified as I did when he told me my dare.


James POV

Stupid Evans. Stupid Lily. With her perfect little green eyes-

ugh, I guess I'll do it. but not for free.

"Kiss me after the game and we have a deal." 

"Fine. Then I'll have a hoard of a hundred girls who want to kill me." Lily said bitterly.

"Why?" I say, my smile fading. No one is going to kill Lily. 

"Your stupid fan club. All the girls are in it. Half the screaming at Quiddich games are them." 

"Blimey Lily didn't think about that- " 

"Sure you didn't. Oh here comes Alice and Sirius from their disappearance." 

"Why does Sirius get his first name and I don't?" I asked jokingly. 

"Shut up. Alice, let's go to bed. The feast ends-" Lily was interrupted by Professor Dumbledore telling the students to go to their dormitories. 

"You know what this means, Evans." I say slyly. 

"Fine, toe rag. Carry me through the portrait hole." Lily said, gathering her things. "But you're gonna have to catch me first!" and she ran off. I faked looking downtrodden and Sirius walked over to me and put his arm around me in fake pity. 

"It's ok mate. You've caught a little gold ball on wings a thousand times. Can't you catch the love of your life?" 

"You're right, Padfoot!" I say and run off to catch my bride. 

I get to her right before she got to the portrait hole and whisk her into my arms.

"Danm you Potter and your stupid seeking skills."

"Oooh. Bad words coming out of a pretty mouth, Evans." I said as we entered the dark portrait hole. 

"I would hit you but I don't want you to throw me." 

"I'd never throw you, Evans!" 

"And I'll never love you!" 


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