chapter 22 - dormitory downs

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september 1, 1976 

head's dormitories 

Lily POV


A sad last first feast later, James and I were walking up to the common room. We were still soaked from the rain. James was visibly shivering under his robes. We went up flight after flight of stairs before finding ourselves at the doorway to our dorm. Opening the door, we walk in and take in the splendor of the connecting area between our two rooms. Golden velvet curtains were draped behind the grand brick fireplace. There were multiple puffy armchairs dotted around. The walls curved inward, making the room feel like a golden orb. Bookshelves curved gracefully with the walls. 

"Woah, this is so fucking nice." James breathed, eyes widening in childlike wonder. 

"It really is." I said, turning to look at him. "James, you should probably be off to bed. You're shivering." 

James shot me an apologetic look. 

"Don't worry, shivering is very manly. Here, I'll get you a blanket." I said jokingly, walking off to one of the armchair and plucking a large, cream colored blanket and draped it across his shoulders. 

"Thanks." James said, immediately looking brighter. 

"No problem. Goodnight, James." I said, walking towards the door that led to my room. 

"Goodnight, Lily." James said, continuing to stand in the middle of the room. 

I almost closed the door before poking my head out again. 

"By the way, thanks for holding your cloak above my head." 

"No problem, love." 


"WOOOOOO!" I awoke with a jolt. I heard yelling through the door. Quickly leaping out of bed and pulling a blanket around my shivering body, I walked towards the door. Opening it, I saw Sirius pinning James to the couch. I smiled at their antics. This was the James I was used to.

"Top of the morning, innit?" Sirius says, looking up  and getting up off James. "Nice little spot you've got, eh? Quite the place for a honeymoon."

"We're not getting married, Sirius." I said sarcastically, making James pout. "Sorry James." 

"Sure you aren't. Right, Jamsie? Haven't you got a ring pick-" James clamped his hands over Sirius' mouth in a good natured way, giving me a look that said 'I promise he's lying'. 

I smiled and walked back into my dorm, heading over to my trunk to get dressed. It wasn't until I realized I never shut my door and went over to close it when I heard James. 

"Oy, need to borrow my jumper, Lily?" 

"Thank you James, but no thanks." I said as sweetly as possible as I close the door. 

What seemed like a very long day later, classes were over. Not to mention James. There's nothing inherently wrong with him, he just seems to have deflated a bit. He's still joking in class, but not as much. I arrive at my dorm and open the door. Sirius isn't tackling James, the dorm is just quiet. The soft silence of the dorm is broken when I hear distant yelling. Upon looking through the golden curtains, I see that our dorm is oddly close to the quiddich pitch, and it seems that the Gryffindor team is out, practicing. Well, the closest to practicing they can get since they're short a Keeper. 

Asa. I should write him and see how he's doing. Let him know how weird James is acting. But first, I have to see Alice, Marlene, Mary and Dorcas. It's too quiet and I'm not in the mood to write what could be interpreted as a love letter to Asa at the moment. Hurrying out of the dorm, I go to the library where I happen upon a half-asleep Marlene. We're not even a week into school, and Marlene looks so done with it. 

"Marlene?" I ask, walking up behind her. Marlene snaps up and turns around to face me. 

"Bloody hell, Lily. What do you need?" 

"I'm bored in the dorm. And I miss you guys. And I don't know the password to Gryffindor Tower." I said, grinning widely. 

"How dare you use me to attain such knowledge!" Marlene says in mock offence, placing her hand against her chest. 

"Sirius' diva tendencies are rubbing off on you." I say sarcastically. 

"Sure they are. C'mon let's go to the common room." Marlene said, standing up and grabbing my hand. 

"I'm not five, Marlene, I can walk." I said, pouting.  

"No, dear. This is called sisterly affection." Marlene said, not letting my hand go and leading me out of the library and towards Gryffindor Tower. 

"Pepperup." Marlene said when we got to the portrait hole. The portrait of the fat lady swings open and we walk through. The safe, comforting warmth of the common room soon washed over both of us, making me start smile. 

"I really missed this." I breathed. 

"Are-Are you tearing up?" Marlene, stifling a laugh. 

"Nope." I said. "Where are the girls?"

"LILY!" I feel like something has been flung at me. 

"Bloody hell Alice, you knocked the air out of me." I said thickly, as Alice is currently smothering me in a hug. 

"Sorry, I just miss you." 

"It's fine. It's a bit weird practically living with James." 

"How so?"

"Well, this morning I woke up to Sirius suffocating James by pinning him to the couch. Then James is all 'Do YoU wAnT mE jUmPeR?'. It was a bit of a weird day." 

"Funniest bit about it was your impression of James, I think." 

I smile and shake my head.


author's note 

i'm really milking this story, aren't I? dunno what's wrong, just not feeling very inspired. probably ending the story at about 30 chapter. there's been a lot of a filler and the next chapter that was supposed to come out today will come out sometime this week (hopefully). i would blame one direction for wasting half my time on pinterst instead of writing if it were 2014, however, it's 2020. yeah, sorry again for the late update and short chapter. 

stay alive 

-mar ∞

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