chapter 8 - quiddich and kisses

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November 2, 1975

great hall 


Lily POV

"He did WHAT?" I say as Alice recounted what happened last night.

"Well after you fell asleep we all started talking about random stuff and then Sirius had a bottle of fire whiskey and him and James got kinda drunk and James refused to let go of you even though it was 1 in the morning and they have a quiddich game today." Alice said, grabbing a bowl of cereal. 

"Oh and then he carried you to our dorm and then fell asleep in the common room." Marlene added as she cut the fruit on her plate. 

"It was really cute." 

"Yeah, I'm sure it was." I said bitterly. "So, Mar, when are you and Sirius gonna start dating?"

"WHAT? We um, no yes- fine. We're going on a date in Hogsmeade next week. " Marlene said, blushing. 

"Good morning, Lily! Ready for the quiddich match?" Potter said loudly as he came over to where we were sitting. 

"Sure thing, asshole. Catch the snitch quickly so the match doesn't go on for two months." 

"Fine. You gotta wear a Gryffindor scarf, though. For good luck. Here, take mine." 

Potter took off the scarf he was wearing an draped it across my shoulders. 

"See you at the game, Lily." 

"Not gonna lie Lily you kinda look  like a priest" Sirius said from across the table. 

"Shove off, Sirius." 


James POV 

Time for our one and only quiddich game of the season.

Oh, and I get to kiss Lily Evans. 

As our team captain, my job is to hype everyone up. So now that I've nearly lost my voice from yelling encouraging things at my teammates, time for our match against Ravenclaw. Sirius was kind of helping, though half the time he was standing off to the side flirting with Marlene. 

As we walk over to the Ravenclaw team, I see Lily. 

"Wish me luck, Evans?" I say.

"In your dreams." Lily says, lightly shoving me. 

We meet the Ravenclaw team at the center of the pitch and I shake hands with their captain, McKenzie Chang. She was a bloody good chaser, if you asked me. 

But we were better. 

We all mounted our brooms and flew into the air, hovering above Madame Hooch, the referee. 

She threw the Quaffle up into the air and one of our chasers, Sergio Reed, caught it and started barreling toward the Ravenclaw goal posts and scored.

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