chapter 13 - valentines day

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February 14, 1976 

Gryffindor Common Room 


Lily POV 

I've been dating Asa for almost two months and it's honestly been so amazing. He's like a mix of all of the Marauders: he has James' quiddich skills, Sirius' looks, Remus' calm and collectiveness, and Peter's loyalty. Today was Valentine's Day, which hopefully be better than last years.  

f l a s h b a c k 

I woke up and very cautiously moved around my dorm. I wondered if James had rigged the dorm with some kind of lovey-dovey  surprise. I hope he knew I didn't return his affections. 

Walking out of the dormitory to the prefect bathroom, I'm still treading lightly with the risk of  James' romantic scheming. I look out the large castle windows and see a brilliant white dazzle. It had snowed last night, covering the whole grounds. I arrived at the prefects bathroom, said "bubble bath." (the password) and walked in. I got in the large bath and turned on the water. The water was warm and soothing. Quickly I washed my hair and body and got out of the tub to change into my robes. I emptied the tub and left for my dormitory. 

- time skip to the end of the day - 

James hasn't done anything all day besides say good morning. and I'm about to snap. I'm sitting in the  common room reading the charms text book when I look outside and see a stag. A tawny colored stag with large, imperial antlers. I'm weirdly drawn to it. Thinking I need a fresh air break as I've been sitting in the common room for at least 2 hours, I head up to the dorm and get my warmest cloak and head outside. It's Friday, so I have the whole weekend to read. 

Hogwarts is so beautiful in the snow. The Dark Forest looks more inviting with the addition of snow on all the trees, making it look like the trees on Christmas Cards. This was weird weather for February though. I was following the stag's hoof prints until I saw it. The beautiful , almost golden chestnut coat that was gleaming on top of muscular legs. And the brown eyes almost set me into a trance. I quietly approached the stag. I know I'd been told to never touch or feed wild animals countless times by my father, but this seemed like an exception. I reached my hand out to the stag and it licks my hand. I slowly move my hand to the top of the stags' head. In response, the stag nudged me. I turned around and saw Severus.

"What do you want?" I asked brightly. 

"Let's see. To turn back time so I didn't have a traumatic childhood, you were sorted into Slytherin, and that Potter and his crew of bullies were never born."  Severus said with a somewhat happy tone. 

The stag angrily stamped its foot and I stepped away. 

"So you want to turn me into your death-eater girlfriend?" I asked jokingly. 

"Possibly."  Severus said, looking me straight in the face and smiling. 

The stag turn and trotted away. 

"What are you even doing out here?" I asked innocently. 

"I could ask you the same thing."

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