chapter 27 - sarcasm can hide anything, right?

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february 15, 1977 

great hall

Lily POV 


One thing I learned this Christmas was that there are muggle books instructing you on how to do anything properly. I learned this because I got my father one, well, James is the one who picked out because it, and I quote "Was mundane enough for the muggle mind to grasp". It was about laying concrete, mind you. These books can tell you how to do anything; gardening, fixing motors, hell, they can even tell you how to raise a couple of kids.  

I hit James on the head with a rather large book, ironically called '1000 Baby Names', because he was the one who found the parenting book, but referred to it and wouldn't stop referring to it as "How to raise a couple of brats". 

I bring up these types of book in a rather disappointing way as there is no book, not one damn book, about how to hide a relationship. None. Unless I resorted to bad romance books with plots that went from zero to a hundred in a quarter of a second, or worse, their movie adaptations. 

Without a manual from the muggle word, we carried on, but there were a few close calls. Pretty sure Alice has caught on to our stolen glances and little smirks in class. Looking a bit stressed, she is, if I'm being honest. 

Yesterday was Valentines Day, and I thought last year was tense with the whole 'James can turn into a stag' thing. This year, he kept it simple by sliding me a note under the table along with a flower under the table at breakfast. Simple, but effective. 

This morning, tensions ran high between stolen looks shared between James and I. It was the determining game to see if Gryffindor would be in the Quiddich Cup against Hufflepuff, but right now they were playing against Slytherin (gross, we don't like them). 

"Morning, J-James." I said, trying to say it carelessly from a couple of seats down, but failing, as I stuttered quite obviously. Fake carelessness, might I add. I still love him, you know. Always hated that stutter I seemed to have while lying, never worked to convince anyone of my alibi. 

"My name doesn't have two J's, you know." James said sarcastically, a grin slowly spreading across his tense face. I pouted back at this, but slowly turned my face down to the table and smiled. 

"Good luck at your game, James." Wow. Real smooth, Lily. 

"Wow, brilliant job changing the subject, Lils." 

"Surprised you aren't giving me your scarf."

"Well, it's because-" James cut himself off when he noticed Sirius' weird look that said 'You told me you aren't dating'. "I've left the scarf in my room, care to join me, Lily?" 

"Burly James Potter needs someone to walk him to his room?"

"I'm scared of the dark."

"But you're a wizard, you can magic some light."

"Your muggleness is showing through." 

"Rude, sorry I didn't grow up in the armpit of a bunch of magicians."

"Rude, come on, the game starts in less than thirty minutes." 

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