chapter 7 - scar face

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November 1, 1975 

great hall


Lily POV 

So now there were a bunch of stupidly attractive boys from Durmstrang and girls from Beauxbatons running around the castle that Hogwarts was supposed to hate. Gotta love the Triwizard Tournament. Dumbledore's picking champions tonight out of the Goblet of Fire, after saying that anyone was eligible. I have no idea what's in store for this event and I feel it could get messy if a first or second year was selected. Or Potter. Or Sirius or Remus or Peter. I don't want Snape in it either, because he'd ask me to Yule Ball as the champions HAD to have dates. This was the night that the champions were being chosen, and I knew that James put his name in that cup. I honestly don't know how he's going to manage those tasks. I mean, Quidditch season was cut short and James needs some way to expand his athleticism other than bullying people. Which he seemed to be doing a little less of these days. I'm probably hallucinating though. Alice and I have become close with our roommate named Marlene McKinnon, from Gryffindor. Even though we've basically lived with her for 6 years, we were only acquaintances. She was pretty annoying and dated too many guys, but she sort of calmed down a bit this year and is a lot more chill and likable.

"Lily! Can we play truth or dare with the boys after dinner?" Marlene asked.

"Yeah sure I don't see a problem with that." I say, cutting my potatoes.

"Wow, Lily, that was really lax. You know she meant James' crew? The Marauders or some crap?" Marlene said.

"Well yeah, who the fuck else would it be? Snape and his goons?" I said sarcastically.

"You had a good day, Lils? You seem a bit er- tense." Alice said nervously.

"Yeah because SOMEONE put on way too much cologne and I nearly went to the hospital wing cause my head hurt so bad."

"Lily, you realize we were brewing Amortentia today, right?" Alice said, sensing I was about to explode.   Which I was.

"WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT HAVE TO- " I started before clapping my hands over my mouth. 

"Oh my shit I'm so sorry I- um yeah, well I-I didn't think about that haha yeah you smell what you love and I-" I cut myself off when I see Alice and Marlene smirking.

"And what did you smell, Lils? A certain someone's cologne?" Marlene said innocently. 

"Shut the fuck up, Mar." 

"Oooh, did I hear little Lily Evans curse?" Potter asked from a distance away. 

"I'm not little, you prat." I say through gritted teeth. 

Before he could smugly respond, Dumbledore stood a the staff table and loudly cleared his throat. 

"Now, the moment you've all been waiting for. The Champion Selection!" Dumbledore said, waving his arm around the large goblet that was blazing with blue fire. The fire quickly turned scarlet, and a small scrap of burnt-edged paper flew out and Dumbledore caught it. 

"And the Durmstrang champion is- ALEXANDER ASCH!" 

The Durmstrang boys yelled in excitement as a tall boy with curly brown hair and gray eyes stood up and walked to where Dumbledore was standing and shook his hand. 

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