~2 The Reunion~

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  (This is the after 14th chapter it is based on the TV show. Violet, Klaus, Sunny, and Beatrice are on the boat. When they see a flying hot air balloon home floating high in the air. Also don't judge I haven't written in a while so I am a bit rusty)


   "Klaus?" Violet asked

   "Yes?" Klaus replied

   Violet pointed up at the hot air balloon "it looks like-"

   "The Quagmires!" Klaus and Violet said in unison

   -up on the self-sustaining-hot-air-mobile home-

  The triplets were having their family reunion when Isadora saw something out of the corner of her eye.

   Isadora walked to the edge where the railing was and looked down.

   "Duncan come here a minute." She called over to her brother 

    Duncan walked over to her with Quigley not far behind.

   "Is that the Baudelaires on a boat?" She asked

    "I think it is! Make noise so they can hear us!" Duncan answered excitedly.

    The Baudelaires and the Quagmires were making noises to get each other's attention.

    "We can't land they have to come up," Quigley told them.

   -on the boat with the Baudelaires and Beatrice-

   "We have to go up," Violet said 

   "You get Beatrice I will get Sunny," Klaus instructed Violet

    Violet nods and takes Beatrice. 

   "Drop down the ladder!" Klaus called up to them.

    -the ladder drops down-

   Klaus began to climb up with Sunny then Violet began to climb

   Klaus got up with Sunny and then took Beatrice from Violet and then helped his sister up.

   Violet ran over to Isadora and hugged her. 

   "I'm so happy to see you I missed you so much!" Violet said still hugging her

   "I missed you, I thought I would never see you  again!" Isadora said and released the hug

   During this little reunion Klaus walked over to Duncan and Quigley while holding Beatrice.

   "Hey, guys!" Klaus said

   "Hey, nice to see you again." Duncan responded

   "Long time no see," Quigley said

   Violet walks over to them. "Hey. How have you guys been?" She asked

   "Well right now we're great," Duncan answered and smiled. 

   Violet smiled back and none of them said anything for about 30 seconds 

   Quigley snapped in there faces, "Hey! Lovebirds, we're here too!"

   Duncan and Violet laughed nervously and stopped looking at each other.

  "Yeah, sorry," Violet said and walked back over to Isadora.

   The girls continued to talk to each other for a while about everything that had happened since they last saw each other. After the boys caught each other up they entertained Sunny.

   By now the sky was dark and they were all very tired. Beatrice had fallen asleep in Violet's arms. And Sunny was asleep next to Klaus with her head leaned up against him. Somehow the girls were still talking to each other just less and quieter so they didn't wake Beatrice.

   About an hour passed, everyone was tired and ready to sleep it was around 9 or 10 pm.  

   "I can show you where the second bedroom is, it only has one bed but it's big so you'll be good." Isadora said.

  "Sounds good," Violet answered.

   Isadora brought Violet and Klaus to the bedroom and everyone went to sleep.


(Hope you enjoyed part 1 of the story if you have any suggestions for part 2 please comment. If you read this I thank you! Also sorry if there are any spelling mistakes)

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