18-Meet the Legends

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Klaus and Avery had just witnessed a strange ship crash into Avery's backyard. He stood there in shock for a minute before he could even move. The Quagmire triplets and Isabella ran down the hall to see what just happened. When they saw what Klaus was looking at they also stood there in shock. 

A door opened on this strange ship and out came a group of people came out of the ship that, if you forgot, had just crashed. 

"Do you mind telling us what year this is?" A girl with long blonde hair asked. What an odd thing to ask.

(A/N- pretend ---- means the year it is because I have absolutely no clue what year ASOUE takes place in.)

"It is ----," Isadora answered still staring at the ship.

An untidy looking man held up a gun thing that had a glow to it. "Well thank you for that information but you can't know we were here." Just so you know this untidy man's name, was John Constantine. 

Klaus stepped forward, "So are you going to go and shoot everyone within a 50-mile radius? Because that would take lots of your time, and I am sure you didn't accidentally land, or well.. crash, here." 

Duncan also stepped forward, "You know, you could help us. You see one of my friends is missing." She pauses and pointed to Klaus. "His sister, her name is-"

"SUNNY! BEA! Oh god, if they are hurt Violet is going to kill me when we find her!" Klaus ran off to go make sure his baby sister and Beatrice weren't hurt.

"Violet, his sister's name is Violet, well technically Sunny is also his sister. I am going to go with Klaus to make sure Sunny and Beatrice are okay." Isadora said before turning to follow Klaus.

"OOOoOOoOOOooO" Quigley and Duncan both teased.

"You two really shouldn't be the ones 'OoOo'ing, I'm not the one thinking about making out with a certain Violet Baudelaire. " Isadora fake coughed, "Ahem Duncan you're gross." Then Isadora went inside after Klaus. 

"Wait a minute, they said Violet. Right?" John Constantine asked, totally unfazed by the comment Isadora Quagmire had just said to her brothers.

"Yeah, why?" Quigley asked.

"I'm sorry if bringing this up hits any touchy subjects," The blonde girl began. "But, does she happen missing?"

Duncan looked down, "Yeah.." He answered quietly.

The woman looked over at the other people who also came out of the ship and whispered something to them. 

"Hold up! Am I the only one concerned that they lied about their names!?" Isabella asked kind of loudly.

"Not now dear," Avery told her daughter.

"Do you guys mind if we talk to you for a minute?" The blonde girl asked.

"Come on Izzy, let's go inside." Avery ushered her daughter inside. Isabella and Avery went inside, but it is highly likely Isabella tried to eavesdrop on the conversation the group of people who had crashed in her backyard and the Quagmire boys were having. The Quagmire boys seemed very concerned as to why Avery was being so, as the kids say nowadays, chill. Like this had happened before. 

"Come with us." The tall, bald guy said as he pointed to the ship they'd come off of.

"I'm not going anywhere without my sister," Quigley said.

"Fine," The blonde girl said. The Quagmire boys were started to think the untidy man, the bald, and the blonde were the only ones who could talk. "Mick, go get the two that ran inside."

"On it," Mick said, as he held up his gun.

"Aye, they are children put the gun down." The blonde instructed. 

I am very tired of just telling you 'the blonde', her name is actually Ava. Which after Mick went inside to go get Klaus and Isadora, Duncan and Quigley found out.

Mick came out of the house he'd just barged into with Klaus and Isadora. Isadora was holding Sunny's hand and Klaus was carrying Beatrice. 

You would think that the Baudelaires and Quagmires would've learned that trusting strangers was a bad thing, but Duncan and Quigley told Klaus and Isadora that they knew about Violet and would probably be able to help them find her. Still, don't get into time ships with strangers. Oh wait, I did forget to mention it was a timeship didn't I? Oh well, now you know.


I hope everyone is having a great day/night. That is kind of it. I am so bad at writing author's notes. Also if anybody has any suggestions on how I can make this have more humor, I'd very much appreciate any feedback. 


Not even a rotten potato:

My ability to write anything worth reading before at least midnight: Yeah let's not let *my name* write during reasonable hours. *My name* Must stay up until midnight to get good ideas. That seems fair, right?

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