19- Prison Break

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Think of the stupidest thing you have ever done. You get it yet? Well, multiply it by one-hundred.

That was how Violet Baudelaire was currently feeling. She thought, if she hadn't been so easily tricked by Esmé Squalor, she wouldn't currently be chained to a chair in a completely white room. Bruises and cuts all over her. Yet it had only been about a day since she'd been captured. 

Esmé had captured her for vengeance. Or at least she was pretty sure. Why else would she? She already had a fortune of her own. She didn't need the Baudelaire fortune.

She heard tap shoes coming closer toward her. The doorknob shook and she heard keys rattling from the other side. "Oh great, Esmé picked up tapping." She thought.

The door opened not to reveal Esmé, but Carmelita Spats holding a tray with a towel on top of it. She noticed a black watch on her wrist. "Wow I thought she only wore pink, and since when does she have enough brains cells to tell time?" Violet thought.

Carmelita closed the door behind her and took the towel off of the tray she was holding. The tray held a pair of bolt cutters, a strange gun with a glow to it, a pair of clothes, and a pair of scissors.

"Listen I don't have too long before me being in here gets suspicious." Carmelita said, her voice a lot less annoying then she remembered. "If you want to escape you have to listen to me."Violet just nodded.

Carmelita held up the pair of bolt cutters. "First things first," Carmelita walked to behind Violet. Violet thought she was going to hit her on the head with the bolt cutters but instead, Carmelita cut her out of the chains holding her onto the chair.

"Now listen, Esmé is going to go after your siblings and friends. Don't worry, I know the people who are keeping them safe." She made sure to mention, "Unfortunately, you have been to this place before, and if Esme tortures you for information on where they'd go, well let's not think about that. To get you out of here and keep your friends safe we have to create you into a new person and erase your past memories." 

"Wait what!" Violet stood up out of her chair, almost falling from sitting for so long.

"Do you want Esmé to kill your siblings?" Carmelita asked. "If she finds out where they are she one hundred percent will."

"Of course I don't!" 

"Now, sit back down and let me cut your hair." 

Violet sat back down and kept her siblings and the Quagmires in her mind. Of course she didn't want to forget them, but she thought it would be the best way to keep them safe.

After a few minutes Carmelita said "All done!"

Violet felt her hair, it was shorter, but not by much but it felt like enough to make her seem different. 

Carmelita gave Violet the new pair of clothes. Carmelita turned around while Violet changed.

"Okay, now we actually have the task of breaking you out here. Good thing I already have the guards and Esmé distracted. Just follow me." Carmelita instructed. Violet obeyed and followed Carmelita out, which was a lot easier then she thought it would be.

Carmelita reached into her pocket, she pulled out a recording device. "Would you like me to deliver a message to your friends?"

Violet nodded and took the recorder from Carmelita. She proceeded to record her message to her siblings, friends, and Beatrice. Once she finished she said, "Okay, I'm ready." and handed the recorder to Carmelita.

"Thank you by the way."

Carmelita smiled softly, "I've always wanted to plan a prison break." She held up the flash gun and proceeded to pull the trigger.


So how'd you guys like the prison break? Don't start freaking out, that wasn't the last you've seen of Violet Baudelaire. (Hint hint) 

Well anyways, make sure to comment because I love reading and answering them.

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