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"Yet are there we?" Quigley asked. He meant to say "Are we there yet?" But due to Linguistic disorientation, he was stuck talking with words in the wrong spots. 

Klaus tried to stand up but fell eight down with a thump. Good thing he wasn't holding Beatrice, and it was a good thing Isadora was. She somehow suffered no side effects besides a small headache. 

"Don't worry the side effects don't last very long. A few minutes at the most." Ava told them. Which made Quigley feel a little bit less embarrassed. 

If you were wondering what the other youngsters' side effects were, Duncan had some vision issues and Sunny most likely suffered from nausea. I have no evidence of these two, they are just my predictions. 


While most of the Legends went out to fix the timeline, the Quagmires and Klaus began training. Klaus was the least eager to attend the training, he'd rather be in the library learning about the past and future but he wasn't allowed to. 

Carmelita was their trainer. She was really good too. They trained for hours, Duncan and Klaus were practically passed out on the floor. At least Sunny was still trying. Come on boys, if the four-year-old can do it, so can you. 

It appears the young reader and journalist won't be very good on missions. Klaus and Duncan were granted permission to take a break, which I think we all know they weren't coming back from. They both went to the library. Not to read, they just both found that libraries always helped with thinking. It was like the knowledge from the books helped them think. This wasn't what was actually happening, Duncan and Klaus just found it was easier to think in quiet places. 

They both thought of similar things. Why did they care about saving Violet? Why is Carmelita nice all of a sudden? Why did they trust them so easily? What the heck did Esme want with Violet? Were they allowed to read the books about the future? Who is Gideon?

Their thoughts were interrupted by Ava. She was walking around looking for the boys. "Hello, can the two of you go to the cortex please? And I hope you weren't reading books about your future, then we really would have to mind wipe you." Duncan and Klaus were glad Ava was being less, you know. They also assured her that they weren't reading. Wow, that is a sentence I thought I'd never type. 


Now it had been a week or so before the Legends found any information on Violet's whereabouts. But they did find something when they were on a mission, and once they got back they told the Baudeliares and Quagmires. 

"Alright, everyone. That was a very successful mission. We did mess things up but it wouldn't be one of our missions if we didn't. Now the rest of you know this but, Quagmires and Baudelaires, we have some information on your friend's location. Now, beware once we rescue her, she might not be the same Violet Baudelaire you remember because of the mind-wipe. We are going to try to create a device that will help her regain her memories."

All the youngsters could do was smile, Isadora started crying. They were getting Violet back. That was all that mattered. 

"Where is she? Or when?" Carmelita asked. 

"She is with the League of Assasins," Ava said. Almost stopping herself before saying it. 

The young reader, poet, journalist, cartographer, and biter stopped smiling. The League of Assasins, what a friendly name. 

Ava continued, "Don't worry she should be with Sara. So she should be fine."

"Who is Sara?" Duncan asked. 

"Sara has been in the Leauge of Assasins twice before. She is also the real captain of the Waverider." Ava told him. Zari nudged her. Ava said quietly, "Zari, no. That wasn't really excepted until 2015. That could mess up the timeline."

"Sara was your girlfriend?" Quigley said as a question, but it was really meant as a statement. 

Ava looked at him, "Yes."

"Cool," Quigley replied. Normally it was Duncan who was oddly good at reading people. Looks like he's got some competition now.

"How do we get my sister back?" Klaus asked. 

These children, so many questions. Am I right? Oh wait, that was a question. 

"We're gonna break in," Mick said casually as he took a bite of his sandwich. 

I believe I am going to have to do some more explaining, so bare with me. The League of Assasins is a secret group of highly trained... assassins, who work for someone named Ra's al Ghul. The Leagues' base is in a place called Nanda Parbat. Today this group is disbanded, but since our friends Violet and Sara are stuck in the past, it is still together. 

It is crucial for me to mention, this place is highly dangerous. I mean, you could assume that. After all, they are called the League of Assasins.

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