17- Crash Landing

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(Quick A/N- The beginning of this chapter starts off with the Legends on the Waverider. If you don't know what that is, the Waverider is the Legends ship they use to travel through time. By the way, this is 2 weeks after the last episode of DC Legends of Tomorrow that is available on Netflix, and Sara is still missing.)

"Gideon is there any sign of Sara in the timeline?" Ava pleaded for Gideon to help her with any information that could help find Sara, the true captain of the Waverider, and her girlfriend.

"I am sorry to say I have yet to receive any information about Sara missing in the timeline, but I have found a different mishap. Violet Baudelaire, the famous inventor. She was reported dead long before she was supposed to which caused many of her inventions to never see the light of day." Gideon replied. 

"Thank you, Gideon," Ava sadly said. "Please plot a course and inform the team on when we are going."

"Sure thing Captain."

*** A few minutes later **

"Captain I have detected another ship here in the temporal zone." Gideon informed Ava. "They are loading their cannons, what shall I do?"

Ava had been very distracted and a little bit "on edge" since Sara had gone missing. She spent all day in the library trying to find Sara, she had rarely slept. 

The rest of the team had more or less done the same thing. Except they had slept more then Ava.

"Ugh time pirates." Ava mumbled under her breath. "Just fire the cannons at them before they can fire at us."

"Captain I don't think that is very wise, if we fire at the same time and they collide-" Gideon tried to inform Ava on what was about to happen.

"Just shoot!"

"As you wish Captain." Gideon loaded up the cannons and fired at the other ship. The other ship did they same and as the cannons fired into one another an explosion happened.

"Everyone buckle up this is about to be a bumpy ride!" Nate tried to yell over the explosion.

Just moments later the Waverider crash landed into a random period in time.



Sorry for the short chapter but I thought this would be a good place to stop. 

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