16- Rain, rain go away

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*Klaus's POV*

I was the first one to wake up, I mean it was probably around 4 am and I was waking up from yet another nightmare. It was still dark outside. You could see the wind blowing the tree branches. I looked next to me to see Sunny still asleep next to me. I looked to my other side, thinking Violet would be there. Then I sadly remembered she was missing. I sat up in bed and looked around the room. It was quiet and strangely peaceful. I realized everyone had their normal clothes on. "We really need some new clothes." I thought to myself. 

I laid back down on the bed and tried to fall back to sleep. I soon realized that would not be happening. It may be 4 am but once I am awake and aware of my surroundings, there is no going back to sleep. I grabbed my glasses from the bedside table and got up to go to the bathroom to wake myself up a bit more, but I forgot there was a dresser and I banged my knee. The thump wasn't too loud, but it could've been loud enough to wake someone up who was a light sleeper. 

I heard some commotion come from another one of the beds. I heard a click sound and then there was light on me. I'd woken up Isadora.

"What are you doing up! It is still dark out!" She whisper-yelled at me. 

I took a second to come up with a response that didn't make me admit I had another nightmare. "I- I had to use the bathroom."

"So let's pretend I don't know you're lying." She got up out of her bed, being careful not to wake up Beatrice. I'd forgotten she and Duncan were still wearing their Prufrock Preparatory- uniforms.

"How do you even sleep in those uniforms? I remember them being so uncomfortable." I asked before I could stop myself. 

"I am used to it." She whispered back. "So, where were you headed to?"

"Well I was going to go splash some cold water on my face to wake myself up more, but I am pretty awake now," I answered.

"Come with me," Isadora whispered before grabbing my hand and taking me out of the room. 

We left the house and just started walking in the darkness. It was very peaceful since no one is really awake at 4 in the morning. We continued our walk down the long road that Justice Strauss used to live on. 

I don't know how long we were walking for, but I do know it was long enough for the sun to start rising. 

"We should really start heading back, I can't leave my older brothers unsupervised for too long. You never know what havoc they could cause." Isadora laughed. We turned around to head back but we only got about halfway, we got sort of tangled since we were still holding hands. We quickly let go and finished our turn around and started heading back. 

Neither of us said anything. Crap- I was probably blushing so hard. 

(A/N- wow there Klaus calm down buster lol)

It was just our luck that it started down-pouring out of nowhere. We started running back to our new temporary home. By the time we got to the door, we were completely soaked, head to toe. This was the time we remembered, we had no spare clothes. We'd be stuck in our wet clothing until they dried.

We walked in the door, trying our very best not to drip to much water on the floor.

Avery walked in the hallway coming from the kitchen, probably since she heard the door open. She gasped, "Oh my- why in the world were you two outside?!?? You know what I don't need an explanation, come with me, both of you." Now I see where Isabella gets the fast-talking thing.

Avery walked us to a closet near the hallway that had the bedrooms. She opened it and pulled out a box that read "DONATIONS". She handed the box to me, "Here, there are some old clothes in there. They should fit you. And Kaylie, I don't think Izzy would mind if you borrowed some of her clothes."

"Thank you, miss," Isadora replied to her and smiled.

"You can go change, there is a bathroom down the hall. Remember if you need anything, I will be in the library." Avery told them, then she started walking away.

"Wait," I stopped her, I had to make sure I heard her right. "The library is still there?"

Avery stopped and replied with, "Yes, and you may come and use it any time." Then she continued walking away.

"Wow, you act like you just found out you won a million dollars," Isadora smirked as she went to Isabella's door to go ask to borrow some clothes. 

While Isadora went to do that I went to the bathroom to change. I changed into a red shirt and jeans. The shirt was a bit too big on me, but it doesn't really matter.  I brought my old clothes in the bedroom. Quigley and Duncan were now awake and were playing rock, paper, scissors. 

"So, where were you?" Quigley asked.

I turned around to answer Quigley's question and all of a sudden both Quigley and Duncan were standing right in my face with there arms crossed.

"I was on a walk," I paused. "Then it started raining."

"Well, that story checks out," Duncan said. "Care to join us in a game of rock, paper, scissors?"

What the heck is even going on? "Umm, sure?"

Isadora walked in with her new, dry clothes. "Duncan Amory Quagmire and Quigley Lucas Quagmire you will not trick Klaus into giving you money with your stupid rock, paper, scissors scheme!" She yelled at her brothers. Honestly, if I was on the receiving end of that yell I'd be pretty scared. Which I could tell Duncan and Quigley were scared for there lives.

The two boys jumped back and had nervous looks on their faces. "Fine! Fine! We won't! Just please don't hit us!"

Isadora looked nervously at me, "Duncan's kidding! I'd never do that!"

"I am just going to go, try to yell at each other quietly Sunny and Bea are still sleeping," I said as I walked out the door and to the library.


Word count: 1068

I think I am going to leave it there. The DC Legends Of Tomorrow are going to be added in by the next chapter. 

Right now I am reading the 5th ASOUE book and the Quagmires are literally so loveable I want to take them out of the book and hug them so much!!!

ahem.. sorry about that i just fangirled a bit too hard...

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