23- Prison Break (but better?)

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The Baudelaires accepted that if this was how they got Violet back, it was time to pull a break-in. Obviously like any sane person, they did not accept this right away. But come on, they were desperate to get her back. 

Ava had to keep telling them that Violet may not be the same as they remember. Klaus had been working with some of the Legends to create a machine that would help Violet get her memory back. So far they'd been unsuccessful, as you know Violet was the inventor. They'd gotten very close. I say very close because obviously, they couldn't test this invention, so they didn't know if it was going to work.


It'd been weeks since the Legends told them where Sara and Violet were. The Quagmires and Baudelaires didn't know why the Legends were waiting so long to go. They knew this place was dangerous but, they sadly didn't know how dangerous just yet. 

This would lead to some mistakes later on, but I shall not spoil the surprise.


Isadora was the first one awake that day. She'd also been the first one asleep, this was a very rare occurrence for the young poet. She must've been very excited to get her best friend back. So excited that she took on the task of attempting to wake up the boys, "Wake up! Wake up!" She yelled trying to shake Quigley and Duncan so they'd, well, wake up. 

"Is, what the heck!" Duncan tried to sound angry as he just woke up. 

"What he said!" Quigley flung his fist in the air as he spoke, not to hurt anyone, obviously.

"Well dear brothers, today is the day where we go rescue our friend." Isadora tried to sound serious but failed miserably as she couldn't help but smile. 

Duncan was looking around the room to try to help him wake up more, I really don't know what that was supposed to do but it strangely helped. 

"Are you two waiting for an invitation? Go get dressed!" Isadora said, loudly. "Oh and go wake Klaus up." Isadora left the room so the boys could change, she also wanted breakfast. 

Isadora had learned her way around the Wavewrider the past few days. She knew where every room was. She knew that this huge ship only had one bathroom. That last part still was a mystery as to why.

It was still very early and the line for the bathroom already had 3 others in it. She waited for 23 minutes and 14 seconds, she counted. Don't even ask me how she managed to not lose count.


A few hours had passed, everyone was ready. Originally the youngsters were not allowed to join the Legends on this mission. But, they had a very effective way of begging.

"Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please!" They'd all beg. Eventually, Ava gave in. This is just because the word "Please" had now become meaningless and having 4 children surrounding her at all times, was getting quite annoying. 

After they'd gotten disguises and they now looked like short assassins, they were ready to go. Of course, they had to prepare themselves for whatever effects they'd get on this time jump. Most of them had stopped getting time jumping side effects, but others -cough, cough, Klaus- still managed to get the side effects. But that would be a waste of your time to talk about, and a waste of time for me to write. Too bad for you, they aren't going to the League of Assasins yet. I'm kidding. I'm so funny. 

The young Baudelaires and Quagmire's strapped into their seats. The fact that this was the most dangerous thing she'd ever done had finally set in. I only mention Isadora because the others had figured this would be very dangerous. They didn't know just how dangerous yet. 

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