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Isadora had tended to the crying Beatrice, normally it would be Violet, but, if you have been keeping up with the lives of the Baudelaires and Quagmires, you'd know Violet is, how do I put this lightly... Well, she is missing. Actually not missing, they know where she is, but if they go to rescue her, there is a high chance, someone will die. If you weren't already, now you are caught up. 

There was a knock on the door, in unison the Baudelaires and Quagmires, minus Sunny and Beatrice said: "Come in."

The door opened and behind it was Isabella. "Mom says dinner is ready if you guys are hungry. She made pasta with some sort of sauce I can't say the name of." After she delivered her message Isabella walked right back out the door, leaving it open, as if saying "Please come eat, we want to be welcoming to you all."

The four decided to eat because nutrition is essential for the human body. I say four because Beatrice is a baby and Sunny is basically a toddler. 

They all walked into the kitchen, Klaus carrying Beatrice, after some confusion on where they were going. To their surprise, there was a bowl for each of them filled with Pasta Puttanesca. Sunny and Klaus recognized this and had a few seconds of them thinging back to the horrors they faced while staying in the home of Count Olaf. Besides that, they all enjoyed their dinner, Sunny and Beatrice a little bit less impressed. Sunny wanted harder food, and Beatrice didn't eat the Pasta Puttanesca, she instead ate some baby food that Isabella's mom just happened to have.  No one bothered to ask, they were all too tired, scared, and sad to care. 

The dinner table was silent, the only noise was coming from the occasional scrape of the fork on their plates. Avery (in case you forgot, Avery is Isabella's mother.) broke this silence.

"So, do you mind me asking how you ended up at my front door asking for Justice Strauss?"

Klaus nearly choked from what he thought after Avery had asked that, he had thought "Are you really sure you want to hear the misery of childhood my siblings, friends, and I went through, because if you do you better grab some popcorn." Instead of saying that, Klaus said something a bit more polite. "Well it truly is a long story, but in short we are orphans who just needed somewhere to sleep for the night due to unforeseen circumstances."

"Oh, I am so sorry to hear that." Avery looked at them comfortingly. "If you'd like you can stay here as long as you'd like."

"Thank you miss, that is very kind of you." Isadora smiled. 

They all continued to make small talk, but I am not sure if you knew this but it is a little bit hard to really talk to people when you just met them earlier that day and have trust issues because a wacko was trying to steal your fortune for a year and you almost died on multiple occasions because of said person. Not mentioning any names though...

After they'd finished eating Isadora and Duncan offered to help with dishes but Avery declined their offer and told them they could just go and take a little tour around the house. The Baudelaires and Quagmires accepted this offer even though they knew most of the house already. 

Obviously some rooms had changed. So the tour was at least a little bit worth it for Klaus and Sunny. But if you had followed this sad tale you would know the Quagmires had not yet seen what used to be the house of Justice Strauss. I am very sorry for that horrible rhyme. Also, if you know how the world works, baby Beatrice II was not yet born when Violet, Klaus, and Sunny had met Justice Strauss. So with that being said the tour was at least a little bit beneficial. 

Before they knew it the sun had completely set and the clock struck ten. Sunny and Beatrice had already fallen asleep. Beatrice was asleep in Isadora's arms, and Sunny had her head laying on Klaus's shoulder. 

The room was quiet except for the occasional sigh from one of them. My best guess would be they were all thinking of a way to rescue Violet. It was hard though, their thoughts were clouded with anxiety and sadness from the very long day they had. Eventually, they all fell asleep, which is good because sleep is important. 


Hello, welcome to the author's note. You don't have to read this but I would appreciate it if you did. 

As you may know, I am currently writing an original short story. It is nowhere near done but I would really like to finish it by the end of September or by early October. Sadly, I start school soon and I won't be able to work on my writing as much as I do now. I might create a schedule for updates, I might not. But never the less, I am still going to be updating. That is really it, I just wanted to give a little update.

Goodbye and thank you so much for reading! <3


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