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The Legends brought the Baudelaire and Quagmire youngsters onto the Waverider. The youngsters stared at the advanced technology in astonishment.

"Nate please go see how Behrah is doing on fixing Gideon," Ava instructed.

"You got it, Cap." The guy named Nate said then walked away.

"Can we get to rescuing my sister? That is the only reason I agreed to come on this ship." Klaus asked.

"Save Violet!" Sunny agreed.

"Captain, I suppose you didn't manage to gather more intel on the young girl? The timeline remains the same." Everyone's favorite AI robot, Gideon, asked Ava.

"Welcome back Gideon, and yes, well maybe. Please pull up the news article for Violet Baudelaire." Ava asked as they entered a big room which the Baudelaires and Quagmires guessed was the main room. This my dear readers was the cortex of the Waverider ship. The youngsters were very anxious, but they found a sense of comfort in maybe getting help from this odd group of people. 

When the news article got pulled up Isadora and Sunny immediately started crying. Klaus tried to hide the tears that were pouring from his eyes. The Quagmire boys stood there in pure shock. Even baby Beatrice who was still too young to fully understand this was crying. 

The youngsters were crying because of what the headline on the news article read. It read, "Violet Baudelaire found dead shortly after returning!"

Now, I do not mean to give you too many spoilers on what is happening to Violet Baudelaire at the current moment. So here is what is happening from Violet Baudelaire's perspective. Or now, Sydney Garcia. 


Sydney Garcia was walking confidently to her job interview. She had a slight headache, but that wasn't going to stop her. What was going to stop her were two creepy men dressed in all black who were creeping up behind her, unfortunately she noticed them too late. Before she knew it she was gagged and knocked out. 


Well, that was not very pleasant. 

The Baudelaires and Quagmires told the Legends everything they knew. What the outside of the building looked like, what the inside looked like, and where they were when they got knocked unconscious. I suppose this helped the mission to save Violet. Though I am not very sure, the Legends did have Gideon who knew almost everything. The youngsters knew they were going to find Violet, what they didn't yet know was that they were also going to find Sara.


The youngsters had been on the Wverider for a few hours and Gideon still hadn't picked up anything new on Violet Baudelaire's location. 

Luckily, the Legends had repaired the Waverider and they were now in a place called the Temporal Zone. Most of the Legends were in the Library trying to pick up any trace of Violet or Sara. The youngsters sat silently in the extra room on the timeship that Lita (Mick's daughter) had been staying in. She'd agreed to share with all of them. Lita was trying to make them feel more welcome but you can only offer to give a tour so many times with the answer of "no" before it starts to get repetitive. She had offered other things, teaching them video games, snacks, books, bringing them to the fabrication room to get new clothes, the list goes on. 

Even the youngest youngsters deemed to know something was up. Even Beatrice who was only a year old. 

"Guys, I think we've found something on Violet's location," Nate announced over the speakers. "Meet us in the kitchen."

The Baudelaires and Quagmires did not hesitate even for a second to head to the kitchen, they didn't even stop to think why they were going to the kitchen and not the cortex. 

In about 20 seconds the Baudelaires and Quagmires had run from Lita's room to the kitchen. 

They noticed Gary, sitting at the table with six plates of food. 

"Hey guys, sorry about tricking you." Gary apologized. "I am not allowed to use the speakers. I had Gideon make you guys some food, you haven't eaten in a while." 

"I will eat once Violet is found," Duncan said as he started to walk away.

"Gideon please close the kitchen door," Gary told Gideon. The door closed right in Duncan's face. "Eat first, then you guys can go."

The six ate, well more like five Beatrice still didn't eat very hard foods, Gary fed her baby food. So, the five picked at their food. To think these children were pretty darn happy a few hours ago was crazy. 

Gary tried to talk to them while they ate. He got very short answers out of them. Isadora's water was boiling, she was angry. This tends to happen when someone who tricked you into trusting them kidnaps your best friend. Quigley and Duncan were about to snatch her silverware, as a safety precaution so she couldn't stab anyone.

I say they were because then Gary mentioned parents. 

"Alright, that is it! I am DONE pretending that I am fine, that I believe she is alive. Cause here is the cold hard truth, I don't think Violet is alive. If she was she is smart, she would've found a way out! Now don't try to make me happy! Last time I truly was, it was a long time ago!" Isadora yelled, she started crying the more she let it all out. "If by some miracle Violet is alive, she won't even be the same. Esme probably is torturing her as we speak! What are these people doing who are supposed to be 'helping' us, Nothing! They are just reading books and talking to a robot just waiting for some hint of Violet! They don't know her as we do! What important part of history is being messed up with Violet gone? What was she supposed to do that was so important that a whole team has to try and find her? If we had any say in what we do, it would be seconds before we stormed right back into the building we were in and get her! But no! Apparently all I am good for is rhyming!" Isadora was full-on crying by now, she started to walk away and realized the door Gary had closed, "Gideon open the damn door!" She yelled before banging on the thing blocking her way out. The door opened up and Isadora stormed away.

"Well, at least she didn't stab us." Quigley tried to brighten the mood.

It was nice how unphased Sunny and Beatrice were by Isadora's outburst. Sunny actually said, "Isa gonna be kay." To them after Isadora left the room. 

Then there was another announcement on the speakers.


Cliffhanger? Yes. Me regretting it? No. 

Just saying it isn't good.


There might not be an update on this for a while. I am currently writing a Gravity Falls fanfiction. I don't know if I am going to post it or not. Would you read it? 

That is it, I am still bad at authors' notes. 

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