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Hello, it's me. If you find any spelling or grammar mistakes, please let me know. Enjoy!



They had just been pushed out of the door by Carmelita Spats and they still didn't know where Violet was. Luckily they had just found Beatrice on the ground and she didn't have a scratch on her, she also didn't have the cute little dress she had on before, she had a diaper and a towel over her. Klaus picked her up and wrapped the towel around her better. 

"Well that is one out of two found," Quigley said, I guess trying to be optimistic. Isadora glared at him. "Okay, sorry, touchy subject."

"Klaus I know you want to find Violet, we all do, but you hear what Carmelita said, if we try, they are going to kill her. So until we come up with a plan, why don't we try to find somewhere to stay." Isadora suggested. Like Violet, Isadora kept what she was truly feeling to herself and at this moment, she was about to break, her best friend was missing and for all, she knew Violet could die.

Klaus didn't seem like he quite liked this idea, no one liked it, but it was their only option that didn't end up with someone dead. They started walking to where Klaus remembered Justice Straus's house is. He stopped at the sight of Olaf's old house, he remembered all of the horrible memories from there. He had to remind himself that Olaf was dead, and he couldn't hurt them any longer. They walked across the street to the blue house of Justice Straus. Klaus knocked on the door. When it opened the children were not greeted by the friendly-faced Justice Straus, but instead by a woman who looked far younger than Justice Straus.

"Hello, can I help you, children?" The woman asked, she looked at the six children in front of her, they all looked sad and broken. A breeze passed them blowing their hair in the wind, it was a warm breeze, a breeze that would've comforting if they knew where Violet was, and if she was okay. 

"We are looking for Justice Straus." Isadora replied, "Do you happen to know where she lives?"

"She moved, to another city I think." The women looked at them sadly. "I wish I could help you all"

"I hate to ask but, is there a chance we could stay here, just for a night?" Duncan asked.

The woman smiled, "Of course, please, come on in" She opened the door wider and gestured for them to come inside. When you were younger your parent probably told you not to enter a strangers house, but if you were in the Baudelaire and Quagmire's position you may have to go into a stranger's home despite everything you were taught as a child. Since thengroup of orphans did not want to sleep on a park bench in the middle of a city, they filed in the house. "I only have one spare bedroom, it has three beds, I hope that's alright." She continued as she walked them down a hallway and toward the room.

"It's fine, my brothers and I are used to sharing," Isadora said.

"I just realized I totally forgot to tell you my name, I am Avery Coleman. Also across the hall from your room is my daughter's room, her name is Isabella, she is 14." Avery said as she opened the door of the bedroom they'd be in for the night.

"Well, my names-" Isadora began but was slightly kicked in the ankle by Duncan. She received the message and continued. "My name is Kaylie, and those are my brothers Nick and... Luke."

"And I am.. Noah," Klaus paused. "This is Kat, and this is my sister, Poppy."

"Well it is very nice to meet you all, I will tell Isabella to come to introduce herself while you get settled in."

"Thank you," Sunny said, right before they walked into the bedroom. Duncan made sure to close the door. They all claimed beds while talking. Klaus was going to share a bed with Sunny, Isadora with Beatrice, and Quigley with Duncan.

"Dunc, why do we even need fake names? We are in the newspaper." Isadora asked.

"Well one, not everyone believes the news, and two, she could be on the other side of the schism" Duncan replied. "And besides, we look nothing like those pictures."

It may or may not surprise you reader that Duncan and Isadora were doing the most talking. The two were trying to keep their optimistic attitudes. They had faith that Violet was going to find a way to escape wherever she was, or that they would find a way to save her. As far as my many sleepless nights researching the Baudelaires and Quagmires, I have only found one reason why the young poet and journalist acted so hopeful in the dire situation. That reason has to do with the fact that they were once locked inside a fountain and barely had faith they'd even survive, but they did. 

Isadora and Duncan continued to talk, with a small input from the others. Eventually, the girl Avery was talking about came in to introduce herself.

"Hello, my name is Isabella, but most people just call me Izzy. Either one doesn't really matter. If you need anything I am right across the hall, don't hesitate to ask." Isabella talked fast, really fast, but slow enough that the Baudelaires and the Quagmires could understand what she was saying. 

"Thanks, we'll keep that in mind," Duncan replied. Isabella smiled and left the room. As soon as the door closed Isadora's fairly short rant began.

"Really, Izzy! Does that have to be her nickname also?! Like you guys all call me Is, but Violet always insisted on calling me Izzy, just like mom and dad used to. Why can't her nickname be Bella or something! Ughh!" Isadora fell back onto the bed she'd be sharing with Beatrice. Duncan walked over to her from across the room and sat on the bed.

"If you'd like, we can all call her Isabella," Duncan suggested. Isadora smiled the best she could despite the dreadful circumstance they were in, "Thanks, Dunc." She replied. 

A wave of silence washed over them, according to my research, they may have been thinking about the fact that their sister and friend, was missing.

"Not to break your silence or anything but I have a really important question." Quigley paused, everyone looked at him. "Am I Nick or Luke? Also, where did you get those names from?"

"I don't know, you choose, and before the fire, I used to visit that homeless man and his dog every week. His name was Nick and his dog's name was Luke."

Duncan laughed, "So I guess Quigley is Luke then." The room erupted into the teenagers laughing, Sunny may also have been laughing, but last time I check at this point she was not yet a teenager. It was good for them all to laugh, they forgot about the fact that they really hadn't slept in maybe a day or two. They forgot that Violet wasn't there to share the laugh with them. This moment of happiness was interrupted by Beatrice starting to cry because if you did not know, that is what baby's do when they need something.



hello! So how are you all doing?

I am going to assume you said "I am doing amazing thank you for asking. How are you doing today?" Because if you did I say, that is great and I am doing fine thank you.

Sorry, I have been gone for so long, but if you are reading this a while after August of 2020 this message does not apply to you and you may stop reading. So the reason I have been gone, well, for the most part, I wasn't really into writing my two fanfictions. I have been working on a bigger project. Hint hint- It is going to be my own origional story. So if you have been dying to read more chapters of this fanfiction, I am back and I am writing again. 

Okay, hope everyone is staying safe and I hope you have an incredible day.

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