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"Baudelaires! Quagmires! I have finally found you!" A familiar voice said behind them. The Baudelaires and Quagmires turned around to see none other then Esmé Squalor standing behind them. I suspect that you, the reader, are wondering why Esmé Squalor, the city's sixth most important financial advisor, was looking for them. If this is correct, you'd be thinking the same thing the Baudelaires and Quagmires might've also been thinking at this very moment.

"Wait, you looking for us?" Duncan asked quizzically. This question was most likely also being asked in the minds of the others at this moment. Esmé knew the sugar bowl burned with the rest of Hotel Denouement, why would Esme even consider looking for them?

Esmé reached her hand out to Isadora's shoulder, but Isadora quickly backed away. "I want to help you." Esmé paused as she held up a navy blue bag she was holding. She held it out to Violet and said, "Here, take it." Violet questionably looked at the bag making sure a venomous snake wasn't about to jump out and bite her after she'd made sure nothing was going to pop out and bite her, she took the bag and had a better look inside. Ésme had gotten them clothing. It wasn't just some random outfit to make sure they looked "in", they were outfits that they would actually wear, and in no way at all were"in". This surprised them, it all seemed too good to be true. Most were too happy to be suspicious of Ésme at the moment, but Klaus had taken suspicion right away.

"Thank you.." Violet spoke. 

Ésme talked to all of them for a while, one thing was strange to the Baudelaires and Quagmires. Ésme hadn't talked about herself once, she had seemed different, nicer. Everyone but Klaus liked this "new Ésme", Klaus still thought that this was all too good to be true. He started trying to memorize the path they were taking. There were so many turns, he couldn't remember it all, they were walking too fast. Ésme was now walking with the Baudelaires and Quagmires, well not really with, she was more guiding them somewhere without them knowing. 

"Oh Violet, I have been meaning to ask. May I hold the little one?" Ésme asked right as they were coming up to a corner. Violet nodded and let Ésme hold Beatrice. They then turned the corner, and BAM. They were knocked out. 

Now I must inform you, the reader, if you are still reading this ghastly truth. Ghastly is a word which here means, too horrible for any normal human to read. I beg you, look away. As you may not want to know the sickening truth about what happens next.


A/N- You gotta love a good cliffhanger am I right. 

What are your guesses about what will happen next? 

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