~3 The Dream~

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Isadora was tied up to the top of a poll and she couldn't move at all. Violet and Duncan were not there they were finding Sunny. Klaus was the only one who could help her. He was freaking out. All of a  sudden someone had cut the ropes and she fell to the group. Klaus ran up to her and shook her. "NOOOOOO ISADORA!"

Violet shook Klaus. 

"Klaus! Wake up!" She yelled.

Klaus shot up up in the bed. He looked around he saw violet to his left and Sunny to his right, the Quagmires standing a few feet away from the bed.

-Lemony Snicket-

By now if you didn't realize Klaus was having a nightmare, a word that around here means, an unpleasant dream. In Klaus's case it was Isadora Quagmire falling to her death.

-And we're back-

Klaus turned red as he looked at Isadora smiling at him.

"I wasn't talking in my sleep or anything right?" Klaus asked them hopeful the answer was no.

Violet couldn't lie to her brother but she also didn't want to embarrass him. Luckily Sunny said it for her.

"Yes!" Sunny said

(Yes sunny can talk she is 3 I think that's a good age for a child to start talking)

Klaus got even more red.

"Sunny lets let Klaus go back to sleep." Violet said picking up Sunny and walking away from the area. Duncan went with them.

Isadora walked over to the left of Klaus where Violet was standing. She made sure no one was looking and she kissed him on the cheek. They both smiled.

"Sleep well." Isadora said then walked over to where everyone else was.

Klaus laid back down. "That really just happened" He told himself.

About an hour later Klaus walked over to where everyone else was with baby Beatrice in his arms.

"Hey." Violet said, "I need to talk to you."

Klaus nodded and gave baby Beatrice to Isadora because she was  the closest person to him at the time.

Violet walked over to an area far enough away no one else could hear them, Klaus followed.

"What was the dream about?" Violet asked him.

Klaus was starting to turn a light shade of red.

"Because you keep talking in your sleep this is the fourth time this week. But this one was more yelling then talking, I just want to make sure you are ok."

"Everything's fine. Just another dream about...Isadora"Klaus answered taking a slight pause before saying Isadora's name.

"Ooooo Klaus Baudelaire crushing on someone older." Violet laughed.

"Not like you don't like someone younger, Duncan." Klaus said laughing 

"How did you find out!" Violet accidentally said loudly and the Quagmires heard.

"Quiet down they might hear you!" Klaus answered her in a voice close to a whisper.

"Okay, okay!" Violet began, "That still doesn't explain why you yelled no. But that doesn't matter, what matters is it you hurt my best friend something will happen to you."

Klaus knew it wasn't a real threat just some sibling love. (If you have siblings you would know)

"I won't!" Klaus answered

They both laughed and walked back over.

"Breakfast anyone?" Quigley asked walking over with 6 bananas and 1 apple for Sunny. "It's all we have we have to land soon to get more food, or finally go back on the ground and live back on the ground again." Quigley placed the food on a table. Sunny was the first one over and started biting her apple.

"I would like to walk on solid ground again." Duncan said walking over to get a banana.

About 5 minutes later everyone was done eating except Violet and Beatrice. Violet was trying to feed Beatrice in little tiny banana pieces. So Violet couldn't eat yet.

About 10 minutes after that Violet had fed Beatrice bout half of the banana she decided that was enough for Beatrice and ate her own banana. 

Klaus and Isadora were in another area of the self sustainable hot air balloon thing. Quigley and Sunny were playing card games together.

(Also I forgot to mention this but Hector is not there anymore the first time it landed he decided to live life elsewhere)

Duncan was trying to help Violet but he didn't have much experience taking care of baby's or small children.

Violet finished her banana and was just talking to Duncan.

"Remember when we rescued you and your sister from the fountain and you asked me if I saw anything in the red herring?" Violet asked.

"Yeah, why?" Duncan asked

"I did see it." Violet answered, "Klaus saw it first and said 'DQ+VB?' It was sweet that you did that." Violet smiled.

Duncan didn't know what to say

-With Klaus and Isadora-

-Isadora's POV-

"Klaus are you feeling alright?" I asked.

"I'm alright don't worry about it" Klaus started "It's just I've been having a lot of dreams lately."

"Well according to what I've read dreams are based off of emotions, thoughts, and random memories" I told him.

"Yes, I know that I've read about 5 books on dreams" Klaus answered, "I'm just not very good at interpreting what they mean."

"I could help" I told him. I really only said that to know what the dreams were about. "Tell me what happens in them."

"Well....they're mostly about..well all..about you" Klaus said as his cheeks went from normal to a bright shade of red.

"Awww Klaus, that's so sweet." I hugged him. "I like you you know..."



Hello! Thank you for reading on! Next chapter will probably be more Dunclet. This episode was more focused on Klaus hope you don't mind. Have a good day! Sorry that this is long. I will try and get better at keeping them short, and posting a new chapter 1 or 2 times a week! :D

Word count: 975

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