~4 An Argument~

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*~Isadora's POV~*

"W-wait y-you like m-me?" Klaus managed to stutter out these words. Klaus would stutter whenever he got really nervous.

I just smiled widely and that was answer enough.

*~Duncan POV~*

(A/N this is after Violet said she saw the DQ+VB)

I didn't know what to say. I could feel my face getting red. It's not that I didn't want Violet to know I liked her I just didn't know if you liked me back.

A few moments passed I still didn't know what to say I was in shock. 

Violets smile faded. "I'm sorry.. I-I shouldn't have said anything, that was a long time ago I shouldn't have said anything, you obviously don't like me anymo-"

Without thinking I gently kissed Violets lips, I was glad when this was returned back to me.

That happiness faded when some people had to come and ruin the moment.

*~No POV~*

"Ahem" Klaus cleared his throat.

Violet and Duncan quickly pulled away from one another their faces turning a shade of red.

"I could say the same thing Klaus." Quigley said.

Violet and Duncan stood up trying to hide their faces with their hands.

"Hey Duncan?" Quigley asked

"What..." Duncan answered his hands still attempting to cover his face.

"Sorry I couldn't quite understand you." Isadora said.

"I said what!" Duncan answered annoyed pulling his hands away from his face revealing his bright red cheeks.

Isadora and Klaus laughed while Quigley was practically dying on the floor laughing hysterically.

"Cut it out Klaus," Violet angrily ordered her hands also moving away from her face. "You'd be the same way if we were to walk in on you and Izzy."

"Violet!" Klaus yelled accidentally, surprising even himself. 

Isadora, Duncan, and Quigley slowly backed away as they felt a sibling argument coming on.

"That was a secret I trusted you with!" Klaus continued slightly raising his voice.

Tears grew in Violets eyes. She had betrayed her brother, not purposely, she still felt horrible.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to say it," Violet began forcing herself not to cry. "I just got angry. If you're angry at me just tell one of mine. Then.. we'll be even."

Klaus racked his brain for one of Violet's secrets that was even with him liking Isadora, he wouldn't normally do this but he was SO mad at Violet.

"Violet kissed Quigley on the mountain because he looks like Duncan" Klaus told the group.

Violet looked down as her face became red. "Why that secret!" She thought

*~Klaus POV~*

"What!" Duncan yelled.

Seeing my best friend so mad kind of made me feel guilty but I mean Violet did reveal that I liked Isadora. Well Izzy already knew I liked her but I wasn't planning on her brothers knowing that.

My thought chain was interrupted by Duncan, Violet and Quigley getting into an argument.

"I thought you liked me!" Quigley yelled. I don't really know why he said this I mean he had just witnessed Violet and Duncan's little moment.

"I do like you, but only because your identical to Duncan!" Violet yelled back.

Over the years I have made some observations. 1: Girls are so much better at the yell sort of fighting, one thing I don't know is why. 2: Getting in an argument with Violet Baudelaire is a very bad thing to do. Normally she keeps her cool but when she gets mad at you let's just say, you don't want to mess with her. One time probably when I was 10 and Violet was 12 I was walking around while reading a book and I banged into her newest invention. It was the maddest I had ever seen her.

"Well that would be how identical triplets work!" Duncan yelled back

Now Isadora was part of the fight, "So your saying I look like a boy!"

I wanted to try to calm Izzy down. "You don't look like a boy, you look beautiful." I told her. But I may have said it a bit to loud, Quigley and Duncan has heard me. Also surprisingly I didn't stutter, that's a first.

"So now you just going to flirt with our sister right in front of us!" Duncan yelled at me.

"Don't you yell at my brother," Violet yelled. "That's my job!"

"P-please d-d-don't hurt m-me" I managed to stutter before running away in fear. Duncan looked as if he was about to chop my head off.

"Oh I'm gonna kill that boy!" Violet yelled chasing after him

*~Back to no POV~*

Before Violet ran passed Sunny and Beatrice yelling at Klaus they were totally oblivious to this whole thing. Sunny was just teaching Beatrice patty-cake.

Eventually Violet and Klaus circled back to where the Quagmires were arguing.

The five continued to argue for 20 more minutes before little Sunny came in.

"Stop!" she said over all the arguing.

Every stopped and looked at Sunny.

"Sunny is right," Violet admitted. "We need to act more mature, we've been bottling up all our sadness to so long that it became anger. We shouldn't take it out on each other. Let's just tell the truths and apologize."

They all looked back at each other.

"Vi you first." Sunny commanded. (Sunny be like a therapist up in here. Also how is a 4 year old more mature then all of them.😂)

"Alright, well I did kiss Quigley on the mountain but only because he does look like Duncan." Also Klaus I am very sorry for accidentally revealing that you really like Izzy" Violet said then hugged Klaus.

"Thanks Vi" Klaus accepted her apology 

"Good, now Klaus." Sunny instructed

"I'm sorry I yelled at you Violet and I am sorry I told them your secret, and if I'm being completely honest it isn't even the worst you could've said. I was just mad at you." Klaus apologized. "Also Duncan, Quigley, please don't kill me."

Duncan and Quigley laughed.

"You break my sisters heart we," Duncan gestured to Quigley. "Will break your face, but don't worry I trust you."

Klaus backed up a small step.

"Now you Duncan." Sunny  said

"Umm, Sunny what are you talking about I've got nothing to hi-" Duncan said quickly but was interrupted by Sunny.

"You know what I'm talking about."



Hope you liked this chapter, I was going to make it short but I had a lot of motivation for this chapter. That cliffhanger though, what do you think Duncan's secret is?

I didn't want Sunny to be left out of the story so yeah. Also the argument, they've all been bottling up sadness and once it started things got real heated. (Kind of)


Word count- 1113

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