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Klaus, Sunny, and the Quagmires woke up in what looked like a large prison cell in a basement. Klaus immediately realized Violet wasn't there. He began yelling for her, "Violet! VIOLET!" Duncan was now also majorly freaking out. Sunny was holding on to Isadora, she was scared for her sister, but she knew Violet was strong. Quigley was trying to hold it together, but Isadora saw right through it. 

They heard footsteps coming closer towards them, they all back up as far as they could towards the wall. The metal door opened with a loud creak. Fernald the hook-handed man came through. Followed by Fiona Widdershins. They silently placed down 3 cups and a single piece of bread so stale it might as well be a rock. Then mouthed, "I'm sorry." then left with another loud creak from the door. The five looked puzzled. 

Klaus then realized not only Violet was missing, but Beatrice was too. He and Duncan were pacing around the room. Sunny got up and walked over to Klaus. "Klaus, she be ok." She assured Klaus. He looked down at her, sat, and placed her in his lap. "I hope so Sun, I hope so."

Now with her leg not being clung to by Sunny, Isadora walked over to Duncan. She assured her brother nothing would happen to Violet. "She is a fighter, I promise you, she will be okay."

Duncan hugged Isadora and whispered "Thank you." to her. Unfortunately, their little sibling moment was interrupted by a deafening scream.

Sunny flinched. Klaus fortunately, but also, unfortunately, knew who it was. "Violet." He said quietly, so no one else would hear. He picked Sunny up from off of his lap and placed her next to where Quigley was sitting with his head in his hands. 

Isadora brought Duncan over to Quigley also and Duncan sat down. Klaus was pacing around again so Isadora went to try and calm him down. Then they heard another scream. Klaus paced faster. Isadora racked her brain for an idea of how to help but she couldn't think with Klaus's pacing. Without thinking she grabbed Klaus's hand to make him stop pacing. Which got his attention and made him stop pacing. 

"Listen to me, Klaus. Violet is going to be okay. So is Beatrice. I promise you. Violet is strong, she will fight whatever is going on and on the off chance something bad happens, you can be mad at me for the rest of your life for stopping you from probably breaking down that door and maybe getting yourself hurt. But just think, would Violet want you to go after her and have something happen to you? So take a deal breath and try to calm down." Isadora kind of successfully calmed down Klaus. He looked around and started to notice what was going on around him, everyone sitting on the back wall, Sunny sitting in between Duncan and Quigley, the water and rock bread on the floor, and how his and Isadora's hands were interlocked. 

"Thanks, Izzy." He smiled, then let go of her hand. "Anytime." She replied, then went to go sit next to her brothers. 

Klaus, on the other hand, opened up the small window at the top of the wall to get some air. Then a slip of paper fell through, it was morse code. 

- --- / -... . / ... .- ...- . -.. / ... .- -.-- / .-- .... --- / .-- .- -. - ... / - .... .- - / -... .-. . .- -.. 

He translated it to, "To be saved say who wants that bread". He then showed it to the others.

"You think it is real?" Duncan asked.

"I think it is our best option," Klaus replied.

"Then I guess someone should say it." 

"Who wants that bread?" Quigley said loudly, it had been the first thing he'd said since they had woken up.

They heard footsteps approaching, then the door opened to reveal Carmelita Spats.

"Come on let's go before Ésme catches you." She whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. They all quickly got up and walked as quietly as possible out. Although they didn't trust Carmelita, this was their only chance to get out of that cell. Then they heard another scream, this one a lot louder. Isadora looked at Klaus to make sure he was fine. He looked so scared for her. She looked at Sunny. Sunny had a very sad and scared look on her face. Isadora picked her up. The group kept walking through what seemed like endless hallways.

"Here is the exit, now leave before she finds me helping you," Carmelita said quietly. 

"What about Violet? What about Beatrice? Aren't we going to find them?" Duncan asked.

"If I even try to walk in the hallway of where that room is, Ésme will do something very terrible to me, and if she sees you guys she won't hesitate to kill her. I'll try to help, but you guys should go. Quickly." As Carmelita said quickly she pushed them out the door and quickly closed it.



I decided against doing Violets point of view right away. 

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter. I also renamed this if you are wondering.

Have a Very Fantastic Day!

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