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A/N- enjoy


*~*Isadora POV*~*

I ran over to the Baudelaires "room" and I found Klaus mumbling to himself. I stood there quietly for a moment, I couldn't figure out what to say. Eventually he looked up and saw me.

"Oh h-hey I- sorry I left, I'm not good with this kind of stuff, you know that." He said.

"Don't worry about it." I said. "So my sources tell me that you do like me" *giggles* 

Klaus blushed, "Well we both know Violet only lies when it's really important"

I then noticed he said a sentence to me with out stuttering. But I didn't say anything because the stuttering might start again, and sometimes it is hard to understand. 

We talked some more. Then we went back to where everyone else was. But we immediately left when we saw Violet and Duncan making out. When we got back to the Baudelaires little room area Klaus and I bursted out laughing for like 10 whole minutes.

(Ok I had to... this story has gone to Kladora and I need to fix it. Not that Kladora is a bad ship, I just like Dunclet better. Oh btw if you were wondering Quigley had left then already to take a quick nap before they landed.)

*~*Klaus POV*~*

Izzy and I practically sprinted back to the Baudelaire sleeping area as everyone now calls it. It was around 11 at this point so we had about an hour before we began to land the Hot-Air Mobile Home. Me and Izzy talked about whatever we wanted, new poems she'd written, books I've read, what happened to us in a year, etc. Eventually it was midnight, I walked back to where we last saw Violet and Duncan. (Thank god they were just talking) 

"It's midnight." I told them. They both looked up at us. (They were sitting we were standing) 

"Also Duncan nice lipgloss it really brings out your eyes." Izzy laughed, then I started laughing. Duncan and Violet, didn't find it very funny. They both looked down, but I could see Violet almost laughing.

Violet and I went to go retrieve our small number of things from our area. Violets little bag, my research notebook. When the Quagmires came back from getting their stuff, Izzy also had a little bag with her. (I'm guessing it's a girl thing.) They walked up to each other. Duncan, Quigley, and I just watched them.

"Hair." They both said at the same time.

"Fix the top" Izzy said to her.

"You're good" Violet told Izzy as she fixed her own hair.

"Turn" They both said.

Violet turned.

"You're good" Izzy told her

Izzy turned.

"And so are you" Violet said.

Then they noticed us all staring at them.

"What, how do you think we always look so flawless" Izzy said, flipping her hair and laughing.

"Well could we land before it's 7 am!" Quigley said.

We all went to the control area of the ship and began to land.


A/N - Wassup. How'd you like this chapter? I'd love to here suggestions. 

Klaus is finally starting to feel more comfortable and is more himself around Izzy. Thank god because typing the stuttering is 1, very boring and 2, it takes SO long! I am trying to get more Dunclet in here because I feel like it has been way to much Kladora, which is okay but I need variety.  Sorry if there is any grammar mistakes, I am just to lazy to fix them. 

Anyways have a Very Fun Day.


Word count: 574 

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