21- Her Message

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"Baudelaires, Quagmires, there is someone here that you will be very happy to see," Gideon informed them. "Please come to the cortex." The Baudelaires and Quagmires weren't too fast this time to get to somewhere they've been called to. Isadora was slowly walking behind everyone else, she hadn't made it too far after she stormed out. When the youngsters did get there, they weren't too happy with who was standing in front of them. I suppose I should inform you, this person was the same Carmelita Spats who helped Violet escape from imprisonment. Obviously, the Baudelaires and Quagmires did not know that. In fact...

"Why the hell is she here!?" Quigley did not wait for his question to be answered. He ran up to Carmelita and tried to punch her in the face. Which she easily dodged. "How the-"

The Legends met Carmelita Spats briefly after Hotel Denouement burned down. Ava and Sara decided to train her but Carmelita was already quite good at blocking punches and self-defense. The Legends needed help rescuing Violet but they didn't know where she was. Carmelita decided to help them.

"Yeah, you sort of learn how to dodge a punch when by our 'mother' is Ésme Squalor." Carmelita said, "But that is not why I am here. The Legends got in contact with me and gave me instructions and how I could get Violet out of captivity, and yes, it worked, but something went wrong and I- I'm so sorry-" Carmelita started sobbing as she tried to say what she'd witnessed. She couldn't get it out so she walked over to Klaus and handed him the recorder. "She recorded you all a different message, Klaus's is first, then Sunny, Isadora, Duncan, Quigley, and one for Beatrice when she gets older. She wanted me to tell you to not listen to them around each other."

Isadora did it say anything, she just walked up to Carmelita and hugged her. They stayed like that for a few seconds, then Isadora whispered, "You did what you could, thank you." Then she released the hug and wiped away a few tears.

Ava ushered Carmelita away from the group so she could talk to her. Carmelita didn't just have one job. She was also tasked with gathering information about where Sara could be.

The youngsters all went into a different room so they could listen to Violet's message to them. They let each other take turns being by themselves to listen to the message.

First up was Klaus. "Hey Klaus, Carmelita helped me escape. I am safe, don't worry about me. I just wanted to tell you something.. Love you, bro." Klaus heard Violet crying through the recording, "I have to get my memory erased to protect you guys. So, try to take good care of Sunny. Get your nose out of books at some point and finally tell Izzy how you feel. You won't regret it. Also, try not to get into too many more fights, if you do, try to win. Love you, Klaus." Klaus's part of the recording was over, he was in tears. His glasses were fogged up. He took them off and wiped the tears off of his face.

Next up was Sunny. Yes, she may not fully understand but she is smart and it is something for her to listen to when she got older. "Hey Sun, I don't know if Klaus told you what is going on. Or if you figured it out on your own. I just wanted to tell you how much I love you and I miss you so much. I am so, so, sorry I am making you lose me so young. It is to protect you. I love you Sun. I always will." Violet's message to Sunny ended. Sunny was only four, she was probably fifty times smarter than any other kid her age. She understood what was going on. Klaus stayed with Sunny for her part of the recording, Sunny didn't want to be alone. Sunny was clinging onto Klaus as she cried. Klaus carried Sunny out of the room and handed the recorder to Isadora.

"Duncan and Quigley I swear to god, if you try to listen to what Violet had to say to me, I will end you." She said before she closed the door behind her.

She pressed a button on the recorder and Violet's message began to play. "Hi, Izzy. Don't worry, I am safe, Carmelita helped me escape Ésme. I'd like to say unharmed but I don't want to be lying in the last thing I said to my best friend. I hope you guys are safe. If I don't manage to get my memory back, take care of Klaus and Sunny. Don't let them get too sad. That is it. Love you girl." Violet's message ended. Isadora broke down in tears. It took her a few minutes to stop crying. After she did she opened the door, handed the recorder to Duncan, and returned to the bedroom.

Duncan closed the door behind him and hesitated to push play. "Hey Dunc, I'm safe don't worry. By now you probably know I have to get my memory erased. Hopefully, one day will get it back. I am starting to run out of time to record these so I have to make this one quick. First of all, don't try to kill my brother. You know he and Izzy like each other. Second, don't beat yourself up over finding me. Your anger will bring you down." He heard Violet quietly say, "Wow I could be a pretty good therapist." She laughed through her tears. "Finally, thank you for sticking with me and my siblings when everything was going badly. But I guess, that is what friends are for. I wanted to say, love you."

Duncan sat there for a second in shock before a tear rolled down his cheek. "Love you too, Vi." He quietly said.

Duncan went out of the room, well do I really have to write this again. I think you know. He gave it to Quigley then headed towards the cortex. Quigley went inside the little room and pressed play on the recorder. "Hey, Quigs. Yes, I know you have that nickname. If you don't know about me getting my memory erased just ask Izzy or Klaus. I don't have much time so I just want to thank you for being such a great friend. You're amazing. Love you Quigs. In a completely friendly way." Quigley wasn't crying like the others after they listen to their messages. Quigley was angry. Not at a person, but at the universe. Why? Why did the universe have to get Violet kidnapped? He felt like he wanted to punch something.

Now, punching things isn't the best way to get your anger out but it certainly isn't as bad as becoming a mass murderer. Obviously, Quigley Quagmire wasn't about to murder someone.

In the cortex, where Duncan went too, the Legends and Carmelita were all talking. Duncan didn't want to be rude and walk in on them talking so he did the right thing. He turned around and went somewhere else. I'm just joking, he eavesdropped like any normal person would do.

"I just got the ship back up and running Cap," Behrah informed the team.

"Good," Ava said. "Because we have some more out of control Nazis to deal with."

"Do you want me to inform the Baudelaires and the Quagmires of the time jump?" Lita asked.

"I thought their last names were Bugdoodle and Quack," Mick said, taking a bite of a sandwich. Duncan was used to people getting his name wrong so this didn't bother him too much. But Quack, really?

"Yes Lita, thank you," Ava said. Lita walked away, thankfully out of the other doorway and not the one Duncan was eavesdropping in. Ava continued, "Nate, Mick, Behrah, John, you guys go prepare. Zari, can you get some new clothes for the Baudelaires and Quagmires?" The Legends all went off to do their jobs and Duncan decided now would be a good time to run because someone was heading his way.


It'd been about thirty minutes, the Baudelaires and Quagmires were all in the cortex with their new, not dirty, and not too big clothes. Ava was telling them about some of the side effects of time traveling might be. None of them were really listening. They all had Violet's message on their minds. Accept for Beatrice. I do not know what babies think about all day, maybe she was thinking about Violet.

I suppose you might be able to tell what each friend, brother, sister, Duncan, was thinking about. Even if you don't know. I am leaving it up to you to guess.

Ava waved her hand in front of the zoned-out Duncans face, "Hello? Mr. Quagmire? Are you listening to me?" She asked.

Isadora walked up to Ava. "When he's zoned out he only responds to one thing." Isadora paused to give Ava a second to more away. "Duncan, stop thinking so loud I don't care about your love life." Duncan looked at Isadora.

"Iz! Really? I was busy thinking." Duncan said, loudly. Isadora smirked and replied with, "Yeah, I wonder what you were thinking about." She then pointed to her head, indicated Duncan was so zoned out he was on the telepathy "public chat".

Duncan looked away and muttered something to himself. Probably something along the lines of "F**k." I mean, at least he knows he messed up badly.

Ava told the Baudelaires and Quagmires to buckle up. For the time jump, Ava had Isadora hold Beatrice because she assumed she'd be most fit to. The boys all looked like they would drop Beatrice on her head during the jump. I mean, she was right. Isadora didn't drop Beatrice on her head. 

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