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Everyone collected their small amount of belongings, then we stepped off of the ship. Our feet touched the cold, wet sand of Briny Beach. Excited and nervous about what was coming, I grabbed Sunny's hand, and Violet picked up Beatrice. With my other hand, I grabbed Violet's spare hand. We started this series of unfortunate events together we would go back into the world the same way.

As far as I know, the Quagmires did the same as us, grabbed the hands of each other most likely determined to not lose each other ever again.

Violet seemed to be leading us to an unknown destination. But the closer we got the more I seemed to recognize where we were going. It was a park, specifically the park our mother used to take us to eat ice cream after we'd gotten good grades on an important test, or something similar. She walked us over to a bench under a tree that had just bloomed for the spring. Violet stood and she let the rest of us sit, I think she felt guilty for not helping as much as the rest of us while we were landing, she kept zoning out, nut she wouldn't tell us what she was thinking about. She said it wasn't important.

We all sat on the bench for a while, we all looked drastically different from two years ago when we were framed for murder. Violet had cut her hair to shoulder length because it was beginning to get too long, and she said it got in her way. I was now taller, and my hair was now a lighter brown and was longer then it used to be. As for the Quagmires, Isadora's hair had gotten a lot longer, almost as long as Violet's used to be. Duncan and Quigley, well they may have the same face but they couldn't look any different. Duncan and Isadora still wore their Prufrock Prepatory uniforms, Quigley looked even more rugged than when they met him on the Mortmain Mountains. Sunny's hair had gotten down to almost her shoulders and she always kept it in a ponytail because she wanted to be like her big sister. Sunny had grown, quite a bit actually, I suppose that does happen in the span of a year and a few months. None of them quite looked like their old selves, none of them wanted to, they all wanted to forget what had happened to them, they wanted to forget all of the unfortunate events that had happened to them. 

Violet walked up to a stand that sold The Daily Punctilio newspaper. The headline read, Baudelaire Murders and their accomplices Framed?!? The date read May 7th, which meant there was about a month until her birthday, the day she will come of age, and everything will be just fine. She grabbed a paper and gave the seller two dollars, the cost of newspapers from over a day ago, she brought it back to the group with a wide smile on her face. She showed it to them, and soon enough they were smiling too. 

Together, they decided their next course of action was to go to Mr. Poe, although most of the time they spent with him he was unhelpful, he was still in charge of both of their fortunes. They walked a few blocks to get there, then finally they arrived. 

"We would like to speak to Mr. Poe please." Violet kindly asked. The lady at the desk slowly looked up, and replied, "Of course dears." The lady got out of her chair and walked them over to a door with the name Arthur Poe on it. The children walked inside and walked down the long white room.

"Ahem." Violet got Mr. Poe's attention. 

"Baudelaires? Is that really you, and are those the Quagmire twins? Who is that other one, and oh my Violet who is that baby!" To be honest, what else were we expecting Mr. Poe to say. The Quagmires looked angry at Mr. Poe and replied with, "We are triplets!"

"Whatever you say Quedmores. Anyways, what can I do for you...." Mr. Poe paused to count how many were there. "You seven?"

"It Is Quagmires but anyways, I need to know two things. One being, how can they get enrolled in a school? And two, How can I legally adopt Beatrice?" When she said Beatrice, she kind of gestured to the baby she was holding. 

"Well Violet, it is too late for you all to enroll in a school now, I suppose I could find a guardian, but there is no guarantee that you will all be together. Also about that's baby, it is a long process, but you obviously have to wait until you are of age."

"Mr. Poe, I am not leaving my sisters," I said.

Isadora glared at Mr. Poe, "And I am not leaving my brothers!" 

"Alright then, I suppose I must find a guardian who will-" 

"What about Justice Straus? Last year she said she'd love to take care of us." Violet suggested.

"Well I am sorry Baudelaires and Quebmores but this Justice Strauss is not on the list of guardians your parents left." 

"Well when have any of those guardians worked! Klaus, Sunny, Beatrice, and I survived on an island with no one else on it for a whole year, I think I can still take care of my own siblings!" And with that Violet dragged us all out of there, normally she was able to keep her cool, but this time she just snapped. When we were back outside of the bank she just said, "That felt good." 

"Baudelaires! Quagmires! I have finally found you!"


Word count- 951 (before authors note)

Hello, I hope you liked part 11 of A Baudelaire and Quagmire Story, I really need a better name for this. Anyways, who do you think the person is at the end? The Baudelaires and Quagmires are innocent. There is more problems coming there way now that they are on the ground.

Have a Very Fantastic Day, BYE

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