Chapter Uno

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"Wassup guys! We're here, in another video...woah!" Ian laughed, getting a displeased look from Tommy.

"Ian, stop being so cringey. Here, I'll take over," Tommy said, pushing in front of him," IT'S THE SMOSHLYMPICS!" he roared, and everyone behind him did too.

"So, y'all are probably thinking, what the actual fuck just came out of Tommy's mouth?" Sarah said, as the camera turned to her," Well, we're all suuuper stoked to announce The Smoshlympics, a series of five daringly uncreative competitions with weird names against none other than Smosh Games," Sarah explained, looking over her shoulder to the right side of the crowd behind her," and Smosh Pit!"

"So, let's meet the teams," Matt said, brandishing a blow up microphone, slapping on the phoniest smile and speaking in an annoying presenter voice.

"Hi, we're team Smosh Games," Joven said.

"We're gonna need more than that," Matt whisper shouted.

"Hello there, this Smosh Games. I'm Mari Takahashi, and this thing here is The Jovenshire, he came out of the Loch Ness Lake just for this. To my left is Mr Damien Haas, an AI system who knows more than the dumbass scientist who made him. Just behind me is Lasercorn, a middle aged man who made the commitment of dying his hair orange and now wildly regrets it. And next to him is Wesley Johnson, the human embodiment of a teddy bear, but also just a kid trapped in an adult man's body!" Mari announced, mimicking Matt's dumb voice, earning a beaming smile from Wes and Damien, and an eye roll from Joven and Lasercorn.

"And our other team, please!" Matt smiled, playfully whacking Sarah over the head with his fake mic.

"Hi, valued viewers, we are team Smosh Pit, aka the best team. I'm Shayne Topp, the greatest human ever. This child here is Olivia Sui, a mouse-cat-dog-kangaroo-beluga-whale thing! To my left is Courtney Ruth Miller, a burpy hoo hoo machine. Behind me stands Noah Grossman, a failed Neapolitan ice cream cone and despiser of Indian cuisine. And next to him is Keith Leak Jr, who I can only describe as a petty ass bitch who thinks Krome Leak makes a good name!" Shayne listed, getting bemused looks from Olivia and Noah, and playful punches from Courtney and Keith.

"Well, now you know the teams, let's meet our judges!" Ian gushed, clapping lightly as no one joined in.

"Hello children, I'm Tommy Bowe, a name you'll all learn to worship. My entire presence is iconic, @daddyvelvet on all socials!" Tommy said, resulting in Shayne and Courtney practically dying of laughter, recalling the Try Not To Laugh when that happened.

"Err ok, well I'm Sarah Whittle and I am the best ref," Sarah giggled.

"No you're fucking not," Matt said, coughing to cover it up," Hi, I'm Matt Raub, the official Best Ref!"

"Whatever..." she sighed.

"Shut up you two! I'm Ian Hecox, the big boss daddy bitch y'all should be scared of! Just kidding, but I am a big boss daddy bitch, just so you know!" Ian babbled.

"Anyways...keep an eye out for The Smoshlympics and our five poorly thought out competitions! Tomorrow we'll be starting with, drum roll please..." everybody started slapping their legs and Courtney was slapping Shayne's face," The Bob Ross Beat Down!" Everyone cheered and clapped, excited for these spur of the moment challenges.

"Well, thank you guys for watching, don't forget to punch that bell, really give it a beating, turn on notifications ya dumb dumbs and we'll see you next time!" Matt practically yelled.

"Cut! And that's a wrap for the day guys, thanks!" Ryan shouted. Wes immediately headed over to the table of snacks and gorged himself on candy hearts and gummy bears. Damien and Mari wandered down the corridor to Games, shortly followed by Joven and Lasercorn. Olivia started talking to Sarah, Matt and Tommy, Ian joining in their conversation after hesitating where to go. Keith and Noah started playing Slaps, and Keith continued to win because after all "it's all in the shoulders" am I right! That left Shayne and Courtney, messing around, Shayne attacking her with a pillow he somehow found, and Courtney jumping on his back and covering his eyes. They play fought for like twenty minutes, constantly falling on topp of each other and practically rolling around on the floor laughing. Eventually, they stopped, probably because everyone was staring at them. I mean, you can't blame them for looking. The two were laying flat on their backs, shoulder to shoulder. Courtney's left leg was over Shayne's right, and she was playing with his hair. Shayne was gently tickling her side, exposed because of her crop top, and she giggled, trying to catch her breath from running around. They both looked up, suddenly, feeling eyes on them.

"Awwwwwww!" Ryan cooed, clutching his heart and looking dreamily at the pair. The entire office was gathered in front of them, some eyeing them up suspiciously, others laughing and Olivia, Keith and Noah looking at them both with huge smiles.

"Oh shut it, we were just playfighting," Shayne smirked, pulling Courtney's crop top back down over her side and sitting up.

"Ya, you know we both have the minds of two year olds," Courtney smiled, fixing his hair and using his shoulder to pull herself to a sitting position.

"You're both just so cute together though!" Sarah said.

"Well, we're just friends, right Court," Shayne replied, getting up and offering his hand to Courtney.

"Yes. Now, if you weird perverts don't mind, I need to use the restroom," Courtney said, taking his hand, standing up and adjusting her shirt. She grinned at Shayne before elegantly turning around, and skipping to the restroom.

"Hey folks, ahhh, show's over, she's gone to take a shit, y'all can leave!" Shayne laughed, shooing everyone away and wandering to his desk. Everyone went back to daily life, writing scripts, cleaning up, filming TikToks and whatever crazy stuff popped into their minds. Smosh really was an insane place to work, but it's about to get a lot crazier, what with the Smoshlympics and growing relationships...


So, first chapter. I'm actually very happy with it. Ooh, and I will be writing from different people's perspectives, I just wasn't sure who to write as for this first part and then it hit me, no one! Thank you for reading, if anybody is, please vote and comment if you liked the first part of a pretty long story. Thanks again! Peace out suckers!

Kitty x

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