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lApril 01, 2020

"you ready?" my mom asked. today im moving out to california. my parents decided to end the first half of my highschool to enroll to another school. i have been studying in (your school's name) for basically my whole life. i have met the bestest friends i could ever ask for. and it sucks that i have to leave them. especially amari. amari has been with me before i even got in. im gonna miss him. i just really wish i could bring him with me.

"uhm, can i hang out with amari for a bit?" i asked my mom, as i sat down.

"yea, just make sure you'll go home as early as you can because we cannot be late on this flight" she said as i thanked her and left the house. i took the phone out of my pocket and called him.

"hey, im about to pull up at yours" i told him.

"i was just about to call you to come over but okay, be safe" he told me. i can feel his smile over the phone. im literally going to miss him.

"yep okay, love you"

"aight, love you" and with that our call ended.

if y'all dont know, amari is obviously my boy bestfriend. he's my one call away, my shoulder, you know the typical things you would say about your bestfriend. there are a lot of things i'll miss about this place, but i know im going to miss amari more and that's for sure.

i reached his house with 2 iced coffees in my hands. i was greeted by his mom, with the biggest smile on her face.

"hey y/n, amari's waiting for you at the back" she told me. why does it have to be in the back where its hot?

"oh, okay thank you" i told her with a smile as we both kissed each other's cheeks.

i walked around the house and there he was with his shirt off. at this point, i dont know what's hotter, the sun or him. but he's my bestfriend, and will stay as that. i swear. a scam.

"really bailey?" i said, making him jump.

"what the fuck y/n"he said as he stood up, giving me a hug. i hugged him back and gave him the iced coffee.

"no what the fuck, why does it have to be out here?" i asked, squinting my eyes as i took a sip of my drink.

"d'you want to go inside?" he asked as he also took a sip.

"for sure, and fyi, that was dumbest question you could ever ask me"  i told him as i walked inside.

"what am i suppose to ask you?"

we got inside and went up his room. i never told him i was moving to california, so i guess this is the time im finally telling him.

"hey, remember when you asked me where do i want to live in the future?" i told him, as his voice lowering down from laughing.


"and i said california?"

"yeah, what about it?"

"well, im moving there. now." i told him as i looked up.

"oh yeah?" i can hear sadness in his voice.

"few hours from now actually. at 8" i told him, nodding.

"ohh" i heard him say, as he took a sip of his almost done cup of coffee.

"what school are transferring to?" he asked, looking up from his cup.

"sierra canyon"

"nice choice" he said, with an unusual smirk in his face.

"why? i heard that bronny guy studies there" i told him, my face getting weirder by the sight of him smirking.

"why? is there something wrong about sierra canyon?" i asked. he immediately turned to me and reacted weirdly.

"no, no. im gon' miss you" he told me with a small smile on his face.

"yeah me too" i told him, as i spit my coffee at him.


"well, i gotta go now" i told him, as i turned back to look at him.

he stared me as he fake cries. fucking weirdo.

"stop, you look stupid" i told him chuckling. i hate leaving him. too precious.

"i know, see you? next time?" he said as he leaned on the door frame.

"i guess"

"okay, goodbye y/n. im definitely going to miss you. no capping, im fr" he told as he gave me a tight hug.

"bye, bailey, im gonna miss you too" i told him as i pulled away. we stared at each other for a brief moment, he placed his lips on my cheek, making me smile.


"bye" i told him, as i walked away with a smile on my face. see you soon, amari.

so y'all wanted this and i hoped i did a good job. i hope y'all enjoyed this somehow because i literally just wrote the bEfOre, before the stuff from the imagines. thank you for the supports on my imagines !! i love you mwah <333

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