lil storytime cause im pissed and sad as fuck

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hi beauties, i got ghosted :))

so first off, i apologize for even writing this i mean you dont have to read it i just needed someone to talk to ??  who actually understand me and all that. second, im updating this and my imagine so chill y'all asses.

oKAY, so i was talking to this guy right. i met him on snapchat, like he deadass added me first and im a careless bitch so i added him back. (add me tho @dpaciente1) we started talking idk, 2nd-3rd week of april, which he initiated. okay. hE STARTED THIS SHIT. the convo went like this on the second week:



where u from?

sorry it took me a whole day to respond but im from ph, you?

san diego

oh cool, how is it there?

and then he didnt respond. which was fine for me because the time zone really is, there was a huge gap. mind you this guy is from san diego and i made time for him cause i feel like i can get sum out of you know what i mean? and then the next week he messaged me again;

hey sorry i was doing homework last week

hahaha its fine

and then he asked me where i live for the second fucking time, and i told him i lived in the pHILIPPINES FOR THE SECOND FUCKING TIME. i literally went "im from ph and youre from san diego i know im right im always right" . im sorry y'all are probably cringing but man im pissed.

we talked the whole day, we talked about working out, corona (no fr we talked abt that), the government and got to know each other. i wanted to get to know him more so i told him to say sum abt himself and i'll say sumn about me too right. so he said he plays basketball and football and 6'shit whatever. i knew i was in trouble for talking to a basketball player. my experiences with them are the worst. they play with hearts its not funny.

our conversation literally lasted a whole ass month. i tell my cousin everything but she didnt know that convo lasted for a month cause the last thing i told her was he kept on disappearing and appearing dO Y'ALL EVEN GET ME. but yes he was like that.

he was saying all this shit like "youre so beautiful damn" "when i come there we boutta do those sweet things couples do" "imma wife you up" he was calling me "baby" and shit. hold up tears are dead ass forming while im writing this. help. but that happened, and let me tell y'all i have never felt so loved and beautiful at that time. like he was different from the guys i have liked. but that shit only lasted for a month which wrecks me a whole lot. i dont even know what happened but he was gone. i spammed him with messages after the last week of april like "goodmorning <3" "i hope you had a productive day even though ur quarantined 😂"  all those. like i cared for him like i thought he cared for me. but he actually didnt and it was just me expecting sumn special is going on between us. thats all. im gonna go cry now. know y'all worth ladies. dont settle for less, like dont settle for basketball players. im kidding. i really am gonna go cry now i'll be right back after a few minutes. i love y'all mwah <333

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