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the party finish and the players and the guys have left. i locked myself in my room thinking about y/n. man, im stuck with her.

"hello?" a deep voice entered the room making me turn my attention to the door, to see my dad coming in.

"wassup" i muttered as i laid down on my bed, and felt him sat on the bed.

"you good?"

"i dont know im just confused" i told him as i covered my eyes with my whole arm.

"confused with what?" he stood me up as i let out a deep sigh.

"with y/n. i dont know if i should even continue liking her. she has a man and all that but- man i dont know" i told him as i rubbed my face. i shouldnt be stressing about these things.

"you should stop" my dad looks at me reassuringly as i looked at him with confusion.

"yeah. i mean if she showed anything that gave away hints that she liked you, then she shouldnt be with amari. but she is. sorry bron but clearly you aint got no chance with her. if they broke up then maybe" my dad told me as my eyes lit up when he said if they broke up. there's no way im wrecking a relationship. but if it means having y/n with me, then i'll risk everything.

"did you have on a condom?" his father asked sternly as i covered my mouth with my hand. i knew y/n was too loud.

"yes sir i did" i told him with reassurance. panic cLeArlY not showing.

"you better not put no baby in my daughter's stomach or i swear amari bailey im burning your house down" i dont know if i should laugh or be scared.

"now c'mon. i'll give you the rest of my condoms" he said putting an arm around me making me look at him with wide eyes as he looked down at me laughing.

"im kidding" i really hope he wasnt.

y/n's bedroom
"so what did y'all talk about?" she asked with a smile as i laid down on her lap and let out a sigh.

"well he knew we were doing it the other time i was here" i said looking up at her as she looked down at me, with nervousness all up in her face.

"youre kidding"

"im not" i said chuckling as she looked at me like im a madman. 

"you actually think its funny?" she said as she removed me off of her lap.

"yeah. but baby i told him i was using a condom. and he actually told me that he'll give me the rest of his condoms" i told her as i pulled her back to me.

"bitch? fr?" she said with her brows furrowed as i laughed. i nodded as i threw my head back laughing.

"nah im playing" i told her and she threw a pillow at me as she laughed with me. we stayed laughing for a good 3 minutes and my laughter died down as i just stared at her. i admired her as she laughed. the way her hair just falls naturally, and the way she smile, and let out her laughs. everything is so beautiful to me.

"why? is there something wrong?" her laughter died down as she noticed i wasnt laughing with her anymore.

i looked at her and my lips just formed into a smile, "nothing. i just cant believe youre mine"

she tilt her head to the side and scrunched her nose, and shook her head.

"youre too cheesy" she said as she chuckled once again.

i hovered over her making her lie down, as she bit her bottom lip,

"and you're too perfect"

hi beauties!! sorry for being gone for 2 days but here's an update !! sorry but y/n and amari are too perfect for each other bronny aint messing that shit up. i hope y'all like it!!  i love you mwah <333

ps. im okay now, thank you.  :) <3

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