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he left wet kisses on my neck as his hands went in my sweater and around my torso, as i let out a slight moan. i tried to keep it low because i didnt want him to know i need him desperately. he looked up at me with his eyes being darker than before. that really just turned me on. he went on top off me again and our lips were moving in sync. he took of his shirt, my eyes not leaving his eyes. he attached his lips on mine again while he was grinding on me. he was about to take off my sweatshirt, when my brother came barging in. without knocking.

"cock block" amari mumbled making me laugh. we both sat up as we looked at y/b/n looking at us like we were having sex. well, technically we were about to, but this mf had to ruin the moment.

"please tell me y'all werent fucking" he said with his eyes closed. he opened them as we shook our heads as a response.

"oh thank god" he let out relieved sigh as he went to sit on my bed. amari scratched his head as he put on his shirt.

"what're you doing here?" i looked at him as he let out a gasp.

"i knew it. y'all were really fucking?" he said as he put up my broken laptop as i heard amari snort making me nudge his torso.

"we weren't" i said defensively. i looked at amari, to at least get him to say something.

"ye-yeah we weren't" he said stuttering as i covered my mouth and my brother just looked at us weirdly.

"sure, i'll tell dad about this" he said standing up, making me throw an unbroken candle this time.

"aBOUT THE LAPTOP BITCH Y/N" he said loudly, as i calmed myself down and amari just sat there laughing.

y/b/n rolled his eyes at me and head out. i looked at amari as he stopped laughing and we just stared into each other's eyes and he leaned once again. we both smiled into the kiss as our hands went on both our faces.

we pulled away and placed my head onto his shoulder, as our hands interlocked. i smiled realizing this is what i always wanted with him.

"i hope you know i really am inlove with you. like that shits real. i been inlove with you since the first day we met. i remember when i looked at you, damn i was hooked. like i knew you were the one i wanna put a ring on." my eyes were on him the whole time he was telling me this. he turned and look at me, and my eyes looked at his lips. he was about to lean when i turned my head.

"yeah me too. i think im inlove with you too. " i said with a smile as he kissed his teeth.

"why did you do me like that tho" he said as he turned me to him and pressed his lips onto mine, making me chuckle into the kiss. he laid down with his hands on my waist, making me go on top of him.

we pulled away and looked at each other's eyes again with smiles on our faces.

"you my girl now?" he said as my lips formed into a smile and nodded as a response. he chuckled as he threw his head back.

"finally thank you Lord Jesus" he said loudly making me laugh as he turned his attention to me again.

"i love you y/n."

"i love you too amari"

i woke up with amari's hands around me. fuck there's actually school today what the actual hell.

"mari, wake up" i turned to him and nudge him, making him groan. i can definitely deal with this.

"baby can we just skip school and rest" he said in his morning voice. wow thats hot. baby. okay.

"no we cant, and we gotta go. papa bout to barge in here just wait" on cue, my father came barging in.

"what happened to y'all last night?" he asked looking at me, then to amari.

"we did homework" we both said making let out a sigh of relief.

"im glad you werent the one moaning last night" he said pointing at me, making me amari let out a chuckle.

"what'd she sounded like?" he asked making me look at him, and up at my father. my fucking father.

"she sounded like she was getting some good dick to be honest with y'all, but damn she should've tried to keep it down" he told us as his brows furrowed and look at us.

"why are we even talking bout this, y'all needa head down i got breakfast cooking already" he said as he walked out.

"thanks dad" i shouted from my room as amari started to get touchy early in the morning.

"d'you think she was getting good d last night?" he said starting to crawl on me once again. i knew i was the one my father was talking about. damnit.

"i think she was. man, she definitely got good dick last night" i told him seductively as he continued to crawl over until he was now on top of me.

"dont get all sexy on me y/n, you dont want yo dad finding out about it" he told me as he was getting me in the mood.

"im irresistible like that" i told him chuckling as i stood up. i put on my shorts and sweatshirt as amari put on his clothes.

"are you really my girl?" he said once again before we exit my room. i looked back at him, and turned against him putting a middle finger up and nodding my head.

"is that a yes? i think thats a yes"

"y'all hear the moaning from last night? that was intense" y/b/n, out of nowhere said, making amari chuckle.

"right" my dad said making me look at him with disbelief, only making amari laugh harder, my brother joining him as well. are we really talking about moans during breakfast.

"aight we heading out dad" my brother said as he kissed dad's cheek and i did the same, while amari said his goodbye to my dad.

we reached amari's car and we all let out sighs.

"that conversation was just wow" i said speaking up, making y/b/n kiss his teeth.

"stfu y/n, i knew you were the one doing all the moaning and shit" he said as i looked back up at him, putting up a middle finger.

"fuck you"

"yo did you use condoms?" he asked amari, making amari laugh.

"yeah bro i did" i looked at him with disbelief and rolled my eyes at him. i cant believe this.

"good. im not trynna have kids going round like fucking animals" he said making both amari and i break into laughter.

sierra canyon
amari and i went inside hand in hand, as y/b/n just keeps saying "im single". repeatedly.

we were greeted by the sierra canyon boys, with amara and the girls. bronny was there too. i greeted him with a smile as he smiled back.

"y'ALL ARE DEFINITELY DATING" ziaire said, still thinking whether its a question or not. we both shrugged as i saw their eyes went down to our conjoined hands.

"oh my god"
all of them reacted except bronny. he walked towards us and looked at our conjoined hands, feeling amari's grip getting tighter.

"y'all look good- uhm together" he said his voice being shaky. we put his hand out to dap amari up, amari looking at his hand, and back up at him. bronny was about to put his hand away, when amari grabbed it and dapped each other up. my brother did the same, but knowing him, i know that wasnt real. the guys and the girls cheered as we all let out a chuckle.

so am i just gonna let this slide?

hi beautie!! i hope y'all liked this one!! an imagine will be up tomorrow!! i love y'all mwah <333

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