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we just got done eating breakfast and me and amari went back up my room. at this point, i dont know if i should tell him what happened between bronny and i at the party because i dont want him to think of me as a careless bitch but i also dont want to lie to him. so i guess.. "baby you okay?" amari spoke up startling me.

"yeah im fine, i just have a lot of things in my mind" i told him letting out a sigh until he scoots over to me. this is it im telling him.

"what is it cmon talk to me" he said grabbing my hand in his. i looked at him as i let out a sigh, man im literally gonna break this man's heart. i said in my head, instantly feeling guilt.

"okay amari, i wanted you to know that i love you. with all my heart. you're the best thing that has ever happened to me and i understand if you want to end this relationship" "cmon y/n just spill it" he cuts me off as i looked at him and let out a sigh.

"okay well, remember bronny's party" "mhm" wait hold on im not ready.

"what about it?" "well we didnt play 2k, well we did but-" i was cut off by a sigh escaping my mouth. he just looked at me, telling me to continue and i sighed for like the hundredth time in just a minute.

"well we-" "kissed" he finished. making me look up at him, shocked and confused at the same time. how did he-

"bronny told me about it. he also told me what happened the time he apologized. he said that it was all his fault and that you didnt want any of those to happen" he said as tears started to brim. 

"i understand that you didnt want to tell me about those but maybe i expected it to come from you" he said giving me a small smile.

"do you still hate me?" my voice was shaky as i looked at him in the eyes.

"i dont know" he shrugged making me look down as tears started to stream. i let go of his hands and wiped the tears off of my face. i knew i shouldnt have kissed that mf.

"nah im kidding of course i dont" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me to his. i hate this man.

"fuck you" i said between sobs (ok but the audacity? jk) as he let out a chuckle, "i forgave you like 2 days ago" he said making me look up at him. he pressed his lips onto mine as my lips shook between the kiss. i know for sure, these are the only lips i'll ever kiss.

"i love you amari" i told him as he gave me a smile, "i love you too baby".

hi beauties can you tell how bad this chapter is tehee i apologize,, i hope y'all still liked,, i love you mwah <333

catching feelings ll amari baileyWhere stories live. Discover now