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goodmorning, im picking you up at 7:30 you better should be ready by that
or im leaving you

#1 fan
yes okay i will dad damn

i see your dad is not the only reason youre calling someone daddy

#1 fan
that did not make sense but sure

yeah right
aight see u later, love you

#1 fan

man i was like the flash when i woke up. wasnt like this before. i woke up with the biggest smile on my face, and my energy at its highest point.

we did our usual morning routine, you know all of that breakfast and talking, giving dad kisses and hugs, when he knocked on the door. wtf is just 7:00?

"come in!" my dad screamed as the door opened. its amari, dripping hard. his drip never fails.

"boy you lookin flyyy" my brother stood up, dapping him up.

"look at you tho with them off whites sheesh" i heard his voice said. his voice are definitely music to my ears man.

"hi y/n" he said with a smile on his face, as he walked towards me for a hug.

"youre early" i whispered, making him chuckle, as my heart melts from his laugh.

"i have to be"

"so we aint taking no cab today?" my brother turned to look at me, with his eyes wide, as i simply nodded as a response.

"finally man, these cabs be smelling like drugs" he said as he took his bag from the chair, making my dad turn.

"how do you even know what drugs smell like?" my dad said looking at him with his brows furrowed. me, amari, and my brother made eye contacts as amari looked down, and i released a fake cough.

"gotta go dad, love you. lets get the fuck outta here bruh" he said running out of the house, and heading to amari's car, making me laugh. this guy really just exposed himself. no doubt a dumbass

"bye dad, i love you" i told him with a smile, as i kissed his cheek.

"bye dad" amari said, making me look up at him and making my dad laugh.

"goodbye" dad said as he gave amari a hug. we head to his car to see y/b/n with marijuana.

"bRUH WHY YOU GOTTA DO ALL THAT IN MY CAR" amari said loudly, making me punch his arm lightly. not wanting my dad to know about his shit.

"shut the fuck up amari, just get in" my brother said, making amari release another chuckle.

"tAKE CARE AND Y/B/N YOU BETTER NOT BE DOING DRUGS AND SHIT OR IM KICKING YOU OUT THE FUCKING HOUSE YOU HEAR ME?!" my father said screaming, making amari and i, die in laughter.

"YESSIR" my brother replied to him, as we said our goodbyes again, heading to school. im just really happy amari's here with me. feels like home.

we reached the school and i felt amari's hands on mine. we shared smiles as we enter the school, being greeted by bronny and his teammates.

"yo what's up" bronny said running to both me and amari, as amari lets go of my hand and dap bronny up. all of them greeted amari, saying that this school year is going to be the craziest, now that he's with them.

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