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"ayo bron!" i heard someone said. i look up
from my drink, to see tristan motioning me to come to him.

"aye wassup" i greeted him with a smirk, as we dap each other up.

"so you drinking now?" he asked with a smirk as he drank from his cup.

"nah, not really" i told him as he looked at me with sternly with a smirk.

"okay maybe just a little" i told him making him laugh. i turned my head to see the whole place, legit packed. the place was filled with nba players. good thing my dad aint here. i turned to the left and see y/n. i stared at her for a brief moment. she's beautiful even from afar. i was staring at her for too long, i didnt even hear tristan calling me.

"bronny you good?" he said snapping me out of my daze and turned my attention to him.

"yeah yeah" i told him as i drank my drink, and looking at her once again.

"oh i see" i heard tristan said in a deep voice, making me turn to him.


"you crushing, and you crushing hard" he said making me swallow my drink quickly, and shook my head.

"lets pretend i didnt see you admiring y/n from afar" he said as my brows raised.

"you know her?"

"of course, her dad was my friend back in the day. the last time i saw her she was 6" i he told me, making me grin.

"she was 6 and she had a short hair— man, i couldnt believe she will grow up into a one fine lady" he told me with a smirk, making me chuckle. she really is a fine lady.

"you should definitely ask her out" he said, definitely catching my attention as i turned my head to him.

"you think so?"

"yeah bro, i mean she prolly single and oh" he said as his voice slowed down.

"what?" i asked as i turn to look at her. with amari. again. man this boy just cant get enough huh?

"nah they friends" i told him as i glared at her and amari. so he really thinks he'll have her? i dont think so.

"i dont know man i mean-" he said in a low voice as he pointed at the two of them. i looked at him with confusion and looked at the both of them again, to see y/n kiss amari. i thought they were friends? i just got angry, and upset and just really really angry. i can not just let amari take her away like that from me. he just can't.

"hold on, i'll be right back"


uhm. what? this is the third time she has kissed me. my feelings is getting all mixed up. i want to be with her, but i dont want to ruin our friendship at the same time. im just confused. very confused.

"what was that for?" i asked her when somebody came up to us. i turned to the right and saw him. of course.

"hey y/n" bronny greeted with a smile, and faced to me after.

"hey amari" he said with the fakest smile ever. i can tell if a smile is fake, and bronny for sure got the best one.

"can i have y/n for a moment please?" he asked, as he puts his shoulder around her. this asshole is getting real disrespectful. im really boutta punch this guy. i nodded at him as a response. we went on their way, when bronny looked back at me, with a smirk on his face as his arms made their way on y/n's waist. my jaw clenched, my hands were in a fist. just by seeing him and her.


we went inside the house were there were a few people. space, finally. we sat down on the couch beside the other guys.

"so are you still mad at me?" i asked her as i drank from my cup. she chuckled and looked at me smiling. she shook her head as i smiled at the sight. oh my god real heart eyes.

"i know you cant stay mad at me" i told her with a smirk as she scoffed.

"nah, i cant stay mad at anyone for too long. especially at amari." she said, smiling at the last word. i rolled my eyes as i exhaled heavily.

"can we not talk about amari? i mean, y'all prolly spend time with each other ever since he got here?" i told him as she rolled my eyes at me.

"lets talk about you" i told her as she looked at me with confusion on her face.


"i just want to know you more. for future purposes" i told her with a grin as she looked at me, still confused.

"what do you mean by future purposes?" she asked as she raised one eyebrow.

"do you watch basketball?"

"yeah. with amari?" she told me as she quirked her brows, and i threw my head back groaning, making he chuckle.

"thats the last time im hearing amari out of your mouth" i told her.

"if i hear one more amari, you have to" i said looking at her, and down from her eyes to her lips.

"if i hear amari one more time, you have to kiss me"


"what the fuck?" i said as i moved away from him.

"are you drunk?"

"hell nah" he told me defensively, as i looked at him with disgust.

"i mean you can do it to amari, so why cant you do it to me?" he said, making me look at him with disgust. he moved closer to me as he attempted to put his hands on my lap. i quickly slapped his hand away, but still continued to touch me.

"get off of me bro!" i told him as i slap him on the face, only for him to laugh. what the fuck, this guy is real disgusting. the guys started to come towards him, pulling him away.

"thats the last time you'll disrespect me asshole" i told him as a tear went down from my eyes.

amari came running towards us, and i bumped into him on the way out.

"im going home, im sorry" i told him, balling my eyes out, and he just looked at me confused.

im going home papa

why what happened

nothing, just tired

okay, be safe i love you

hell to the no.

"amari baby where's y/n?" my mom walked towards me, as she touched my shoulder, and my eyes turned to the guys.

"she went home, i'll be right back" i told my mom as i made my way to him.

"amari, you have to calm down" ziaire said trying to stop me to walking towards me.

"nah im cool" i told him, still glaring at bronny. he nodded repeatedly as i he tried to slow down my walk, stop me from putting my hands on his.

"yo asshole!"

hi beauties !! i hope y'all liked this one tehee,, there will be no imagine for today but i will be updating two tomorrow i promise,, i love y'all mwah <3333

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