treinta y dos.

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"thats just unfair" dylan (white) said standing up. i called the guys because i cant stand being alone at this moment. bronny pulled up too, which i didnt mind. i needed company.

"if it wasnt because of you then this wouldnt happen dumb fuck" dwhite said turning to bronny,
"its aight he told me everything" i told him as i turned to bronny.

"they why did y/n leave?" brandon asked making me turn to him and i let out an exhale,
"she saw me with xiah yesterday-" "why the fuck were you with xiah?" brandon interrupted making me stop.

"she wanted closure" i straight up told them as they all lowered their heads in unison.
"and y'all cant do it throught text?" brandon said loudly and i just shrugged.

"both of y'all messed up. you hung out with your ex, and she kissed bronny" zaire said as i looked up at him.
"here we go again" ziaire mumbled and i heard somebody laugh.

"i heard you z shut the fuck up"
"but y'all just better get back together cause y'all look stupid" zaire finished and walking out.

"yeah just get back together" dylan (metoyer) said. he was just saying "yeah" this whole time.
"shut up dylan you have no contribution here"

josh - josh's
"okay y/n imma be honest with you, but y'all look dumb as fuck rn. i mean amari isnt the only one who committed a mistake here. you kissed his friend. to me thats fucked up. im sorry" i told y/n in defense.

"how about i call him and tell him to come here and both of you can fix this?" sharife spoke, catching my attention. he finally listened to me.

"no-" "josh?" someone at the door said.
"did you invite someone over?" jalen asked as i looked at them and shook my head.

"why would i? i would get my ass kicked" i told them as they all let out a sigh.
"why are you freaking out just open the damn door im sure its just another pair of sneakers" y/n said kicking me as i looked at her with my brows furrowed.

the person has knocked three times and we havent opened the door yet.
"josh open the damn door pussy" jalen said making me turn to him, as sharife and y/n looked away with wide eyes.
"fuck y'all"

i stood up and opened..
"whaa""amari?" i heard y/n at the back said making me turn to them.
"can i talk to sharife? he asked making me tilt my head,
"aye rife" "what" i pointed to amari as i looked at him as strange as i can as i eat my chips.

"if you need back up we gotchu" i whispered to sharife as he shook his head,
"you cant even open the damn door scaredy cat" he said making me lean back from him.
"i hope you get jumped bitch"

y/n - 30 minutes later
"did you get jumped on?" josh said as sharife entered.

"fuck you." he said while putting his middle finger up at josh. he looked at me and motioned his head outside. oh no.

"is he okay?" i looked up at him and he shrugged,
"i dont know talk to him" he said and left. this is probably the most nervous i have ever been. i dont know if i can look at him yet.

i stepped out as the cold wind brushes on my skin, and amari turned around. i walked over to him,
"hey" i managed to say while looking at him. he didnt say anything but his hands went up to cup my cheeks and i melt in his touch. i looked up at him as he released a breath, and flashed him a small smile.

"i miss you" he said with his voice being shaky. my eyes started to brim again while his thumb brushes across my cheek. the next thing i knew was i was in his arms again. in that moment i realized, maybe i miss him too.
"im sor-" i cut him off by pressing my lips onto his and he weakly smiled within the kiss. our lips move in sync and my hands went up to his cheeks, pulling him deeper.

we both pulled away and we looked at each other's eyes,
"there is so much to hold on to. i cant let you go. this is too special for me. you're too special for me. can we maybe give this another chance?" he said as he sniffed. i nodded as a response and he gave me the smile he had when i said "yes" to him. he let out a sigh of relief as he chuckled, and he pressed his lips onto mine once again making me smile.

all those little things, are the one's to hold on to. there is too much of them and we cant just let it go. i have nothing much to say, im just happy im back with the love of my life.

"okay they cute" jalen mumbled as we looked out the window.
"right?" i said as i melt seeing them having their moment.
"he better not mess this one up" sharife said as i turned to him.

"congrats. you finally followed my instructions" i told him as i flashed him a fake smile.
"what instruction?" jalen asked as his eyes were stuck outside.

"its noth-" "our guy sharife here was crushing on y/n" i said blandly and felt sharife hit me.

"bitc-" "snitch" he said between gritted teeth as jalen teased him,
"aww, sharife's crushing" he said changing voice making me chuckle.

"too bad she aint available" jalen said making me laugh and nod.

"are we going home?" i turned to him as we were outside josh's house,
"yes. home with you"

hi bitches just wanted to say y'all are hella smart when it comes to relationships okay i am- wow. but i hope y'all liked this one love you mwah

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