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"you cant do that" ziaire looked at me with disgust.

"yeah bro thats just not right. you cant just ruin their relationship just because she kissed you. im sorry but that kiss prolly meant nothing to her" brandon said making me look up at him. okay mr. basketball.  

"why'd she kiss him in the first place. if she didnt want it, then she shouldnt kiss back" "but that doesnt mean she wants him" brandon told d white with his brows furrowed.

"right but that makes y/n a cheater. she. shouldnt. have. kissed. bronny." dwhite insisted and i can see brandon being stress over this.

"but why would you kiss someone who has a man?" brandon cuts dylan and looked at me sternly.

"what does that make you bro?" i looked at him and shrugged. i mean what does that make me.

"a relationship wrecker" zaire said coming out of nowhere.

"i mean if you really love y/n you should just let her go. just let her be happy with amari. plus amari's your friend bro. just let y/n go, and find someone, i dont know better." he told me as my eyes stayed at him. i know i wont find someone better than y/n. but maybe z's right.

it was 7:30 in the morning when i woke up and y/n is still sleeping. her body was facing me and i can see her face as the sun shined over her. i cant help but smile at the sight. i leaned down to give her a peck, but then she meets me midway, making me smile as our lips were in sync.

"goodmorning baby" she said as i closed my eyes by the sound of her voice, making her release a slight chuckle, "goodmorning". i greeted her with a smile. she pulls me in for another kiss and i pulled back, "no, i havent brush my teeth yet" i chuckled as she insisted. i managed to pull away and fixed the bed straight away.

"y/n-" "ayo love birds, wake tf up breakfast is ready, and aMARI !! YO MAMA'S HERE" i stopped what im doing and looked at y/n sternly, but nervousness was obvious in my face. i havent told her about y/n and i's relationship, and i think this is the end of the world for me.

y/n went down first and heard her and mom greet each other. i let out a deep sigh and walked out, and was greeted by my mom looking at me with a grin.

"goodmorning momma" i greeted her as we shared hugs, "goodmorning" she mumbled. we looked at each other for a few seconds when she spoke up.

"can i talk to amari for a minute?" she asked and i can just feel my heart beat fast, "yeah sure"

"since when did y'all started dating?" she asked sternly as my eyes were just scared.

"2 days ago" i managed to say, and she just relieved a sigh?

"thank god, alfonzo can shut his mouth now" i looked at her confused, is she mad orrrr

"what?" "alfonzo cant shut his mouth about you and y/n being all cute and shit" she said as she chuckled making me chuckle as well. her laughter seemed to die down and i felt her arms around me.

"so how is she?" she asked as we made our way inside the house and my lips formed into a smile.


hi beauties !!  i hope y'all liked this chapter, lets just hope bronny realizes he aint shit :)) i love y'all mwah <333

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