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sensitive!! sensitive!! sensitive!!

i also think this is a trigger warning uhm

"he was trying to put his hands on y/n mom!" i told her in a loud voice. i tried explaining to her. that this isnt the only time he has made y/n feel disrespected. i mean no woman should be disrespected.

"i know that wasnt the only time but you should've just dealt with it maturely" she told me, making me back away from her.

"i wasnt being immature! i was trying to protect the person i love!" i told her, standing up and basically screaming from anger. why cant she understand?

"if you were in my place you would've reacted the same way i did" i walked out of the room and head out to wherever.

"yo amari where you going?" alfonzo called out to me, but i didnt care at all. everybody is pissing me off. y/n is the only one who can understand me.

i just need somebody to talk to man. i was just out. i pulled up to random ass park, 5 blocks away from home. i just needed some air, and try to clear my head.

"yo y/n d'y-" my brother came barging in, as i quickly wipe the tears off of my face.

"the fuck you good?" he asked as i felt him sat beside me, but not too close. he has never seen me like this, so this is a first. nice.

"get the fuck outta her bro you smell like shit" i told him as i sniff. i heard him kissed his teeth as he moved closer to me. he nudged me, only for me to nudge him aggressively.

"i dont fucking care bruh why are you crying and shit?" his voice sounded either mad, or concerned.

"its nothing, get out" i told him, being irritated by his presence.

"is it amari? what did he do?" he said sounding mad, and moving a bit more closer.

"nah its not him" i told him sniffing, as he stood up furiously, punching my wall. great. now i have a hole in my wall.

"then who is it?! y/n you better tell me or im gon' tell dad dont fucking start" he said making me look up at him with wide eyes and stand up.

"dont tell dad please"

"then who is it?!" he said kicking something, causing dad to shout from his room.

"whats that?!"

"nothing dad, y/n was just being a clumsy bitch!!" y/b/n said, and looking down at me sternly.

"LANGUAGE ASSHOLE!" dad shouted as i sighed and massaged my head. im actually stress.

"now tell me who" he said, still looking down. he looked angry and sad, he never looked like this before. i looked up at him, and tears just started to stream down on my face, causing me to fall on my knees. damn, this is affecting me so much. i have never been harassed by a drunk asshole. i dont even know if i can go to school because of him.

"are you fucking kidding me?!" i told y/b/n about it. it just keeps on replaying in my head, i can feel his hands everywhere on me. i tried to stop from crying, but that was traumatizing.


where's amari? did he do anything?" he said as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"no i dont know i went home straight away" i told him as i sniff every now and then. he sat beside me and put his arm around me. he pulled me for a side hug, as i continued to sob on his chest.

"i hate you, but man im boutta kill that guy" he told me as he rubbed up and down my arm. i elbowed him on his stomach causing him to groan.

"nah but fr, tell me if he do anything below the belt once again, he's fucking done i swear to god" he said making me sniff for the last time as i hugged him for a real one. 

"thank you bitch" i told him making him shrug.

"i gotchu lil sis"

"now get out you smell like shit"

"what the hell was that?" my dad said loudly as he stood up. causing mom and bryce to rush to the living room. he moved closer to me, as he sniffs and i backed away.

"did you drink?" he said furiously, causing me to rub my head from dizziness.

"y-yeah. but only a little bit" i said looking up at him, only for him to look at me furiously.

"yo whaat"

"what's happening?" i heard mom and bryce said.

"ask yo son" dad said, making mom walked over to me but backed away as soon as she gets near.

"shit you smell like alcohol, why'd you drink? i thought we said no drinking" she said with her brows furrowed.

"it was just a little bit"

"nah, i can smell you all the way from here bro" bryce said causing me to kiss my teeth and rub my head.

"why was amari going to punch you?" dad said turning around facing me with crossed arms.

"you got into a fight?" mom said loudly, as she stood up. i cant stand people, i swear.

"amari punched me!" i said defensively as i tried to lick my lips, but failed because they were swollen.

"why?!" dad said once again, causing bryce to calm him down.

"i uh-" "c'mon bron you gotta speak up" bryce said, still calming dad.

"i may have touched a woman" i confessed as i looked down, causing mom and dad to flip out.

"oh hell nah" bryce said, causing me to look up and seeing my parents looked at me with disgust.

"look i was drunk, i didnt know what i was doing i-" "boy even though you was drunk you know what you doing!" dad said cutting me off, and sounding mad as hell. i have never seen him mad like this before. and it woke me up. damn, i really did something fucked up.

"you cannot use "being drunk" in court bronny" mom said, catching me off guard, making me look up at them with worried eyes.

"wh- what do you mean?"

"have you ever heard of sexual harassment?!" dad said loudly causing me to let out a shaky sigh.

"fix yo self! and apologize to whoever that girl is" he said as he walked away. i definitely did something fucking stupid. and i know a sorry aint going to fix this. man, i messed up big time.


hey can we talk?

d'you wanna talk?

im tired fuckers. goodnight.

hi beauties !! i hope y'all liked this one !! stay tuned on my next one,, i love y'all mwah <333

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