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"yeah sure" i told him as he let out a sigh of relief. don't know what's that for. why not i muttered under my breath and he led me in his room which woke me up because of the led lights changing colors in front of my very eyes.

"damn bronny why you got these annoying ass lights on" i told him as i close my eyes and rubbing my head because of how dizzy im getting as he chuckled.

"aight i'll turn em off"

we sat down on his bed and played 2k, him showing no mercy. 103-75.

"ur actually so bad at this game" he told me as he put the controllers down and i rolled my eyes at him.

"shut the fuck up 75 ain't bad for a pretty girl" i said as i laid down his bed and my eyes started to close when i felt him down beside me.

"get away i have a boyfriend" i chuckled as his eyes stayed on mine. i never really looked at bronny this long but wow he's beautiful. i felt his hands cupped my  cheek and he leaned in, our lips moving in sync one again. just like the last time. he was starting to undress me when someone barged in.

"oh oops" a deep voice said making bronny get off of me and we both let out a chuckle. but then i remembered amari. shit. i forgot i wasn't single no more.

"fuck i gotta go" i fixed my top and reached for the door.

"where you going?" he asked making me stop on my way out.

"sorry bronny, i have a boyfriend and i love him very much" i told him and he scoffed.

"but you kissed me?"

"that's exactly why im leaving, sorry" i finished and head out the door, lookinh around looking for amari.

i left for a while to get a drink and got back to our place to not see y/n.

"where y/n at?" i asked the guys, as i reached for my phone and texted her.

baby where u at?

"she's prolly drinking. i think she was upset you didnt put yourself inside her" zaire said making the boys laugh as i kissed my teeth.
i looked up to see y/n at the bar, with bronny. so why isnt she answering her phone?

"dont worry bout it, she'll come back anytime" brandon said as my eyes glued on her and bronny. i thought he understood.
i watched their every movement, and caught them going up to a room. of course it has to be bronnys.

"i hope she will" i said under my breath as i sat down and drank, with y/n stuck in my head.

1 hour later
y/n came back with bronny looking all wasted and shit, as she sat down beside me and let out a sigh.

"where were y'all?" i asked sternly not looking at her, and she hummed as a response.

"do i have to repeat my question y/n?"

"oh we played 2k" fuck outta here. y/n motioned to bronny as she talks about him making fun of her score. 103-75. yeah thats pretty bad. but its definitely not the issue here.

"you're girlfriend's terrible at video games" bronny said chuckling as i looked at him from my cup and seeing y/n put up a middle finger in the corner of my eye.

they just started arguing and the guys were hopping in. my mood ruined just got ruined real quick when i saw them both together. y/n tried to be affectionate and shit, and just showed no interest at all.

"baby you good?" is that even question.

"guys we're gonna go. i forgot y/n has to attend a family dinner" i told them as i stood up and y/n looked at me confused.

"i am?" yes bitch.

"mhmm" i stood up and grabbed her hand as we said our goodbyes. bronny and y/n were about to hug and i immediately yanked her away from the mf.

"sorry bro, we're late" i told him as y/n looked at me with her brows furrowed.

"bet, stay safe" stay safe my fucking ass.

we reached outside and i let go of y/n's hand. she attempted to hold my hand again so i walked faster and entered the car.
"what's wrong amari?" she asked not answering her question. she really think im alright with her spending time bronny. just because i didnt gave her what she wanted. she'll have to buy new clothes tomorrow then.

i drove us to a random hotel and grabbed her hand harshly, but not dragging her out of the car. i held her hand up to our room and locked the door. i pinned her against the wall and moved my face closer to her.

"what the fu-" "so you think im gonna believe you and bronny were just playing 2k?" i told her as her eyes started to look confused.

"we were!" she insisted as i kissed my cheek.

"stop playin with me ma, you kno i aint the one for games" i pressed my lips onto her as she kissed back with no hesitation. our lips soften as i wrapped my hand around her neck lightly, making sure to not choke tf outta her. my lips made their way to her jaw as her hands made their way to the back of my head.

"you gon' get it good tonight"

hi beauties !! i hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and the cliffhanger tehee,, thank you for the continuous support on this book, i love y'all mwah <333

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