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"yo get up" i heard my brother as he threw something at me, almost causing me to fall from the bed. my alarm just buzzed causing me to groan.

"are you fucking kidding me? d'you really have to wake me up before my alarm and throw shit at me?" i told him furiously, throwing back whatever it was to him.

"both f y'all wake up, you dont want to be late on the first day of school" dad said as he entered the door.

i did my usual monday routine and went down to eat breakfast. i looked at my brother, rolling my eyes at him, causing him to throw a singular cereal at me.

"fuck you!" i told him, throwing him a handful of cereal.

"language" i heard our dad said in low groggy voice. me and my brother looked at each other, putting both our middle fingers up.

"y'all ready?" dad asks looking up from his phone, making eye contact with me and my brother.

"yep" we both said in unison as i rolled my eyes at me. i saw him roll his eyes also causing me to laugh at how stupid he looks.

it was pure silence until y/b/n spoke up.

"uhm, where mama at?" he asked, making dad look up from his phone once again. probably doing business.

"its getting late, y'all are getting late" he said, ignoring the question making my brother and i make eye contact.

we said our goodbye's and kisses and went on our way.

the ride was quiet. my brother and i are pretty close. messing around with each other is something normal between the two of us. thats why, having no clue where mama is, is really affecting us a lot. "

where do you think mama is?" he said, breaking up the silence.

"i dont know, to be honest" i said, turning my head to look at him.

"but i hope she's aight" i added, making him nod and show a small smile. we reached the school and i let out a heavy breath. i am definitely not looking forward to more bullies this year.

"hey, you good?" my brother said nudging me, making me jump and my thoughts disappear.

"yeah, just missing amari" i told him with a small smile. he puts his arm around me and pulling me closer to him.

"im sure he's okay. and im pretty sure he misses you too" he told me, looking down winking as i looked up at him.

"shut up" i told him with a chuckle as i took off his arm around my shoulder.

we head inside and was completely mesmerized. it was a huge school. with a lot of students. most of them has really athletic bodies. which kinda intimidates me.

"aight, dont do anything stupid" i told him with a smile.

"bitch? you're taking all the stupid witchu" he said, throwing him the stick from my lollipop.

"you're disgusting" he said, causing me to roll my eyes at him.

"whatever, bye dumbass" i told him going the opposite way.

"bye weirdo" he said, putting up his middle finger.

here goes nothing.

i am going around in circles. its a huge school, and thats not exaggeration, it really is a big school.

"you new?" i heard a deep voice as i close my locker.
"uh not really" i said lying. nope, he knew i was lost.
"yes. yes. im lost" i said holding my head and looked at him, chuckling.
"okay, i'll take you to your first class." he volunteered as he closes his locker.
"can i see your schedule?" he looked at it, his hair going into my face. i scrunched my nose at it and he laughed.
"i see we have the same class" he said, still laughing.
"okay, but that was nasty" i said holding my nose.
"your hair was in my nose" i told him between laughs and he just continued laughing.

catching feelings ll amari baileyWhere stories live. Discover now