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i woke up with amari's hands around my waist, remembering what i saw yesterday at santa monica.

"goodmorning baby" he said in his morning voice, and my eyes shut stopping the tears from brimming.
"goodmorning" i told him with a small smile on my face, and he turned me to him. leaning in and i sat up avoiding his kiss.

"is everything okay?" he asked sitting up as well. i shook my head and tied my hair up in a bun and standing up from the bed.

"i'll go make breakfast" i told him as he nodded with a confused look on his face. this mf have some explaining to do.

skip to breakfast
"y/n is everything okay?" amari said walking towards to me as i was washing the dishes. i shook my head as a response and felt his hands on my waist.

"dont" i told him sternly and felt him back away.
"did i do something?" "i dont know did you?" i looked at him as i quirked up an eyebrow and finishing the dishes.

"clean that up" i said leaving him to put the plates back. "no y/n- talk to me" amari followed me to the living room. okay then.

"where were you yesterday?" i asked him crossing my arms,
"with the guys" liar.
"you travelled 35 minutes to get to chatsworth" it wasnt a question. and he just stood there looking confused and shit.

"i was with sharife yesterday" if this mf dont tell the truth.
"i was with sharife yesterday amari" i told him sternly as tears were started to brim.

"why were you with sharife?" he asked as his brows furrowed making me scoff,
"why were you with xiah?" there goes the tears. i quickly wiped them and he just stood there.

"talk to me amari. do i have to repeat my question?" i asked him once again.
"i-" "talk to me" i said cutting him off as he walked towards me only for me to back up.

"she wanted closure" he said making me scoff.
"and you need to meet? at santa monica?" i said and tears were just flowing at this point. he was looking confused and flustered.

"did you do this because of what bronny did?" i asked him the question and his eyes went straight up. "no" he said sternly.

"why cant you be honest with me? tell me the truth amari. please" i said as my voice shakes and he lets out a sigh.

"okay maybe i did." he said as another tear came down. "maybe i wasnt sure if it was okay with me. y/n i can not look at you without thinking that you probably kissed bronny the same way you kiss me." he said. finally. i let out a shaky breath and he walks towards me.

"but y/n trust me, i did not get back with xiah" he said as his hand went to my arms.
"how can i trust you when you dont even trust me?" i said not making eye contact with him,
"i do, im just-"
"just what?" i said looking up at him, as his eyes just stared at mine. no answer.

"right" i muttered under my breath and get away from his grip. "im sorry" he said making me turn to him.

"i thought i was the one you were bringing to santa monica amari. i guess i thought wrong." i told him getting my keys as he looked at me with clearly sad eyes.

"im staying at josh's tonight. talk to me when you trust me again. im sorry"
"no y/n, can we please fix this" he pleaded as he looked at me as a tear slipped from his eye. i understand now why he did that. but the fact that he wasnt honest with me, is fucked up. it really is.

"i was honest with you this whole time amari. i just wish you could do the same. im gonna go" i told him and pressed my lips onto his as a tear slipped from my eye again. "i love you"

i've been gone for three days without explanation im sorry i was updating my hooper imagines okay,, but i hope y'all liked this one mwah im going to sleep goodnight bye love you

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