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its been 2 weeks after i told amari what happened between me and bronny. technically i didnt tell him cause he knew already, but you get it. we both agreed to staying at los angeles for 3 days to

"im going out for a while" amari said as soon as he entered the room looking like a whole snack.

"where you going?" i asked, eyeing him up and down, "uh- with the boys" he stuttered, making me tilt my head to the side. but the guys' are in chatsworth?

"to?" i asked once again raising an eyebrow, "i'll talk to you later baby i love you" he said hurriedly kissing me on the cheek and leaving. he never acted like this before, he does not even look like this when we go out, i mean????

this bitch aint a valedictorian for nothing. so i texted brandon asking if they have plans for today;

bj boston
im chillin with nikki rn
zaire cancelled the opening of their pop up today in LA why

ugly ass
amari's acting hella weird today
idk if it has sum to do with the bronny thing

bj boston
wait he knows?
holy shit and y'all still together?

shocking right
but thats all
dont put no baby in nikki's tummy today boy

bj boston
you bet we finna have two blasian babies in 2 months fucker

bet you y'all wont
when you put that lil thing in there it only tickles mf

bj boston
when you come back its on sight bitch ass

i laughed to myself realizing how fun it is to make fun of bj boston. i asked the other guys if amari was with them but all of them said no. so i texted bronny;

its y/n bitch

lbj 🐒
what bitchass

its y/n bitch
amari there with you?

lbj 🐒
no tf
theres no way amari's travelling 35 minutes to be here

its y/n bitch
bron istg

lbj 🐒
no i swear he's not here

its y/n bitch
aight thank you

okay so where is he? i try to think of any positive that he's doing rn. i know xiah is in chicago rn so there's no way he's hanging out with her. i hope she's in chicago anyway. maybe he's with sharife, or jalen i dont fucking know. i should try to calm down but im overthinking so bad rn.

sharife 🏀
y/n amari there with you?

y/n 💛
i literally just thought he's with you

now a lot more things started to form in my head.

sharife 🏀
well d'you need company?

y/n 💛

this isnt cheating right?

yeah, sure
i mean i needed someone to talk to anyways

sharife 🏀
aight i'll see you

we decided to meet up at the hollywood boulevard which i know is kind of a mistake cause there's a lot of people there, but sharife is sharife. 

hollywood boulevard
"hey" sharife came with two iced coffee in his hands. he pulled in for a hug and i hugged him back, smelling a bit of him. i know amari's my man and all, but damn we can all agree that sharife is one fine motherfucker.

"sorry it took me a while i had to get these" he said as he gave me one iced coffee and my lips formed into a smile, "thank you, you didnt have to" i told him as he shrugged.

"where'd you wanna go?" he asked making me turn to him as we walked, "anywhere i mean, i dont really know shit here" i told him as he looked down and chuckled.

"aight i gotchu" he said as he grabbed my wrist and he lead me to his car, "where we going?" i asked as he starts his car, "anywhere" he said with a wink.

santa monica
we arrived at this place, santa monica. im pretty sure i've heard this before;

2 weeks ago
"im bringing you to santa monica and we will have the best time ever" amari mumbled as he pulled away from the kiss making me smile.

i knew i heard this place before, "welcome to santa monica" sharife said with a cheesy smile on his face, making me smile as well.

"man i thought amari was gon be the one who'll take me here, but-" i was cut off by a sigh escaping my lips as i turned to him.

"its aight y/n, im here" he said as i felt his hands made their way to mine. i instantly exhaled and got away from his grip. "let's go?"

im not gonna lie. i find y/n attractive. i actually do. but there's no way im shooting my shot knowing he has a man. "i'll be there" i told her as she made her way to one of the food stall as i trailed behind her. 

"sharife?" i heard a voice said making me turn to behind.

"amari? what're you doing here?" i looked at him but looked behind him as well, seeing a girl. hello??

"who's she?" "are you with jalen?" he asked clearly avoiding my question. a part of me want to hit him square in the face but a part of me also dont y/n to know he's boyfriend's with a random chick. this boy's in deep shit.

hi beautiess!! damn some of y'all really wanted to keep y/n and amari together but some of y'all want me to break them up for min. i'll just say i have some things in mind
;)) i hope y'all liked this one!!  love u bitches mwah <333

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