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unknown number
hey, what time you going to school?

who's this?
and where'd you get my number?

unknown number
this bronny, i got it from your brother
billionaire mind ya feel me

i looked at my phone with disbelief. i woke up my brother by throwing a broken candle at him.

"what the fuck bro?! what's your problem man?!" he said in a loud voice, making dad to shout "language" from the living room.

"why the fuck would you give bronny my number? without my consent?" i told him furiously.

"so what? he's a good guy? and he asked for it. plus he's the son of lebron " he said, getting off of his bed.

"so when dwayne wade son tells you to jump of the building you'll jump?" i said, groaning in annoyance.

"dick move, bitchass" i said under my breath. my goodness.

bronny james
so what time you going to school?

30 minutes from now

bronny james
aight, stay safe

thanks, you too

"what happened?" my dad asked in a different voice. i looked up at him and saw his eyes. it looked like he had cried.

"nah, what happened to you?" i asked, him holding his hand.

"dont mind me, back to my question" he said, ignoring my question.

"well, y/b/n gave lebron james' son my number" i told him, eating a chunk of my breakfast.

"really? good job man" i heard dad said, making me look up at him with furrowed brows.

"dad's on my side and you cant do anything about it" my brother said, making me roll my eyes at him, as he and dad shared laughs. still wondering where momma's out though.

we said our goodbyes and gave dad a kiss and went on our way.

"you think dad's okay?" i asked y/b/n, as he looks up from his phone.

"nah, something's bad is happening and i bet you its about mom" he said letting out a heavy sigh.

we have reached the school, still missing amari. every morning he would be by the entrance, waiting for me, but i guess no one can really do it like him here.

"look, i guess thats the one you were thinking about" my brother said pointing at the entrance door. bronny was standing as he waved his hand. i waved back with a slight smile as i looked up to my brother. we went in and said our goodbyes. the usual routine.

"what are you doing by the entrance door?" i asked him confused.

"well i was waiting for you, and goodmorning to you too" he said as we entered the school.

"goodmorning" i told him with a small smile as i put on my hoodie.

"let me take this" he told me as he pulled my bag off my back.

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