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"wake up y/n, we aint getting no tardy slips today" my brother nudged the fuck outta me, while i groan, getting up from my bed.

"i dont think i can go to school man" i told him as he kissed his teeth. im really not trying to see anyone from the party because of last night. i know i cant do it.

"i know you will have hard time cause of last night, but man, you cant let none of that affect you" he said as he rubbed my shoulder and i rubbed my head.

"aight, i'll be down in a minute" he walked out of the room as he gave me a side hug. i was getting ready and all i can think about is how am i going to look at bronny in the face after what he did last night. i mean i know he's drunk and all, but i also know you know damn well what the hell you're doing even if youre drunk.

"you good?" my dad spoke up, and i looked up from my plate of pancakes. i looked at him, then my brother, then back at my dad.

"yeah im good, im not just feeling well" i told him, honestly. as honest as i could ever be.

"why? what happened last night" someone knocked on the door, cutting my father's statement.

"that must be amari" he said standing up as me and my brother made eye contact. i looked up at the door to see alfonzo. what the hell?

"y/n, c'mere" my dad said. i stood up nervously, happenings from last night started to replay in my head. i hate this so much.

"hey y/n, can i talk to you for a minute?" alfonzo looked at me with "pleading" eyes, and i nodded as a response. we head out of the house, closing the door and letting out a sigh.

"you good?" he asked me as i looked up at him, as tears started to form in my eyes again. damn.

"bad question" he said as he puts his arm around me, rubbing my shoulder.

"im sorry for what happened last night y/n. bronny was drunk and he was a dick-" "yeah he is" i said cutting him off and sniffing after.

"and even if he is drunk, he knows what he's doing cmon"

"i know. thats why amari-" he said making me look up at him with confusion.

"what'd he do?"

"well he may have been a lil violent towards bronny. making lebron appear out of nowhere." again. i literally told him im keeping my distance from him but he insisted. and now this. i know amari, and i know he should've handle the situation better.

"im actually here to ask if he spent the night here" now this bitch is lost. are you kidding me?


"yeah johanna and him might have a misunderstanding last night, and he ran away" he said, making me let out a tired sigh. amari's really not a problem to me, but now he is.

"i'll tell him to go home" i told him reassuringly as he nodded and sighed. we said our goodbyes and y/b/n got out of the house with both of our bags, saying goodbye to dad also.

#1 fan
go home now
if you dont want to, go to school. everybody's worried about you.

sierra canyon
im currently headed to spanish class with my brother, when somebody called my name.

"this son of a bitch" my brother muttered under his breath, knowing the owner of the voice. i held his hand tight, stopping him from making a scene, as he turned around with the most fake smile ever. i didnt even bother turning around, because i can not just look at him. and it sucks because he's seated next to me.

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