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"cut the shit, and get straight to the point" i cut him off as he is talking for too long, and amari and y/b/n is waiting for me.

"okay im sorry" he said looking dow , making me tilt my head and look at him with no expression.

"thats it?" he looked up as he tried to put his hands on me again, making me back away from him.

"im sorry because i touched you. im sorry because i have no idea about whats going on with your life. im sorry for being an asshole." he said, his voice sounding like je was about to cry.

"im sorry for being utterly in love with you" my face softened as soon as he said that, and a tear came out of his eye.

"im sorry because i cant show you how much i care for you. im sorry because i think about u everyday. im sorry because i try so hard to get you. when you're happy with amari. im sorry y/n" he said walking towards me, tears now streaming from his eyes. i thought this guy is tough. but i guess he wasnt as tough as i expected. he reached for my hand behind me, and i couldnt care less. i just let him say what he needs to say.
his hands went up from my hands and to the sides of my face, and he just leaned in. closing the distance between us, i felt tears of guilt going down from my eyes, as our lips moved in sync. i kissed him. why did i kiss him?

he pulled away as his eyes clenched, saying "sorry" countless times. i shook my head and took his hand in mine.

"no bronny, im sorry. im sorry i didnt know you feel that way i-" he cuts me off by pressing his lips onto mine once again, as his lips shakes, and his hands went down to my waist. i dont know why i didnt want it to stop, but i know i have to. i pulled away as our foreheads leaned against each other. thinking about this, and amari at the same time hurts me alot.

"im gonna go, thank you for being honest with me" i told him with a smile, receiving a smile back from him, as i walked away, going back to amari and my brother. what the fuck just happened.

"how'd it go?" amari asked as he held my hand as we enter the car, sending shivers down my spine. only amari has this effect on me.

"it was fine. i forgave him, i mean there's nothing i can do" i told him, as i heard him let out a sigh.

"aight, lets go home. im fucking hungry" y/b/n said starting the car and driving back to the house. the car ride was silent, but somehow i can hear my heart beating so fast. amari held my throughout the ride, and my head stayed on this shoulder. all of a sudden i felt confusion. i shouldnt have fallen inlove with bronny first right? we havent even got to know each other? its that kiss. that fucking kiss. 

at home
"can you stay please?" i gripped amari's hand as he was just about to leave as we just finished dinner. he looked down at me, and back at my father.

"i mean if you want to?" i heard my father said, my eyes not leaving amari's. amari smiled and nodded as a response and i swear to you i just melted at that moment. we helped dad with the cleaning and went straight to my room.

"dont do anything stupid bailey" my dad said making me and amari laugh, and we enter my room. i changed into short shorts and sweatshirt, as amari wore his extra shirt and shorts with him. i have no idea why he has that but okay.

we were doing homework for a good 45 minutes when i felt amari's hands went around my waist, sending shivers down ny spine. i looked back at him, as we just stared into each other's eyes, seeing lust in his. i have never seen him act like this before, and i couldnt complain.

"what's up with you" i asked him as he leaned closer, our faces being inches apart. i looked down at his lips and back at his eyes, as his eyes did the same as well.

"you're so beautiful" he mumbled under his breath and he finally closed the distance between us. my hands going to the sides of his face, making me turn and below him, dropping the laptop from the bed. there goes another broken laptop. the make out session was just getting heated when he pulled away, making me look at him confused.

"what's wrong?" i asked him as he sat up straight and let out a heavy sigh.

"i dont know y/n, does this feel wrong to you" he said looking deeply into my eyes, as my lips formed into a small smile, and shook my head. we let out light chuckles and looked back up making eye contact. he slowly crawled over me, his hands going in my sweatshirt.

"i love you" he said pressing his lips onto mine. this aint the first time he said i love you but somehow this one hits different. like he really does. he started grinding on me, as i moaned slightly into the kiss. i pulled away and looked at his eyes;

i love you too.  

hi beauties!! i hope y'all liked this one, i mean y'all already know what type next chapter's going to be (that did not make absolute sense my english is so bad) but i love y'all mwah <3333

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