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No One's POV

At Aphmau's House

3 months after Aaron lost his eye sight and memories

Aphmau:"Sigh* Its another day without Aaron I guess"

Aphmau then looks down and sees all her scars in her stomach and arms


GF:"Mam were just here to ask you some questions if you don't calm down we will no hesitate to attack back"

Aphmau:"Get away fro me"she says as she pushes one of them down she then when berserk and attacked them all(She was being paranoid ed after the battle with Micheal)

One of the GF's then grabs here she turns around an scratches him the GF then got angry and got into a fight the other GF's tried to stop the the fight but in the end Aphmau had many deep wounds all around her body (since the GF had dagger)

*Flashback ends*

(After that Aphmau trained a lot in case something like what happened in Starlight she was tired of her friends always protecting her)

Aphmau:"Hmm I wonder how's Lucinda doing with her potion?"

At that moment she hears her phone ring

Aphmau:"Yes ?"

Lucinda:"Hey Aphmau it's me Lucinda"

Aphmau:"Lucinda hi how are you"

Lucinda:"Well I just wanted to tell you something very importing"

Aphmau:"What is it?"

Lucinda:"Well I finally figured out how to cure Aaron and I did so I need you to come over quick!"

Aphmau's eyes shine with glitter she didn't even answer back to Lucinda she just ran out of the door all the way to Lucinda's house shhe then rings the bell

Lucinda:"Well that was quick , I'm coming Aphmau!"

She opens the door and Aphmau hugs her and repeatably says thank you then asks

Aphmau:"Were is he ?"

Lucinda:"Follow me I'll take you to him"

She then takes Aphmau to the guest room Lucinda opens the door Aphmau then sees Aaron looking out of the window


Aaron turns around and his eyes get watery then he spreads his arms Aphmau runs up to him and hugs him

Aaron:"Aphmau I missed you"

Aphmau:"Aaron I missed you too please don't ever make me worry this much ever again I thought you'd forgotten me completely "

Aaron looks down at her arms and since she was wearing a crop-top he could see scars all over her body

Aaron:"Wha-What happened to you who did this?"

Aphmau:"That doesn't matter right now your here in my arms again"she says with a smile and tears falling from her eyes

Aaron:"Fine but please explain to me what happened later okay?"

Aphmau:"Okay "

After hugging a couple minutes Aphmau told Aaron what she's been up to and what she felt when he left(she also changed clothe to something that covered her scars because Aaron felt sad every time he looked at them)

Aaron:"I'm sorry to have left you for so long"

Aphmau:"It's okay because now your here finally"

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