¿A Kiss or Dismiss?

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No One's POV

As they all walk into the house with Aphmau still moping but finally talking.The guys where all rambling about some stuff when then Ava thanked them.

Ava:"Thank you guys so much!"she says with a smile as the guys turn towards her with confused looks


Ava:"I didn't want to go out at all today and I was afraid she would ask us to dinner and then she'd ask me about my life and, I'm just glad it's over now I can go back to sleep"the girls all giggle a little about her last statement

Noi:"What about the kiss *whispers* I wanted to do that again"he says with a disappointed look Aphmau and Kawaii-Chan heard that whisper though

Aphmau and Kawaii-Chan:"Ohhh "they say looking at Ava who was blushing leaving everyone else in the room confused

Katelyn:"Wait what?"

Ava:"Nothing, but who told you guys about kissing?"

Rhys:"Lorelai had spoken to us about a kiss in the movies and how it meant a date "

Ava:"Oh yeah that ,Lorelai likes to make that stuff up but-"

Asch:"Ignore the kiss let's talk about marriage!"

Girls:"Uhhhhh"they all turn to look at Ava

Asch:"I demand that-"that's when Ava kisses them all in the cheek (For purpose of not ruining the Aamau and Zane-Chan ship more)

Ava:"That should hold you guys off until later right, no marriage talk after that kiss heh , where even heh, now goodnight!"she says as she slams the door close

Aphmau":Wow.."she says surprised she didn't think Ava would do that

Leif:"That was-"

Asch:"-we all got the kiss"

Rhys:"What does that mean?"

Noi:"Yahooo-hahah!"he says as he starts jumping around the room

Leif:"For once I have no-nothing to say..."


In Ava's Room

Ava:"What was I thinking I can't believe I did that god I'm an idiot!"she says as she starts moping

In the Living Room

Aphmau:"Well that was highly unexpected?"She says looking at the daemos

Rhys:"What do you mean?"

Katelyn:"We doubted she would kiss any of you whatsoever"

Leif:"Why would you say that?"

Aphmau:"Let's be honest why would anyone kiss you their on, if they knew how you actually are?"

(As they both try to grab the pizza they end up in a awkward position both grabbing each others hands and there face being very close to each others

Ava:"Noi-Noi"she says blushing a lot

Noi:"Ava I-"but he gets cut off by her kissing him while grabbing his cheek , Noi didn't really know what they were doing but he reciprocated and he liked it . After a minute or two they split the kiss to gasp for air they both stare into each others eyes blushing insanely )


Asch:"Don't speak to me that w-"

Lucinda:"Or maybe you would get kissed but some girls think your unapproachable so ,yeah"she says which gets a questionable look from the daemos

Kawaii-Chan:"What about Ava and N-"she gets hit in the shoulder by Aphmau

Aphmau:"We'll talk about that later Kawaii-Chan"she whispers into her ear since they were the only ones who heard what Noi said

Everyone else just stares at them with a confused look and Noi blushing a little bit

Asch:"What about Ava?"

Aphmau:"Oh nothing hehe, oh well you look at the time we should really go to sleep"she says pushing Kawaii-Chan into Ava's room

Katelyn:"Don't you think it's too early to slee-"

Aphmau:"Katelyn-shut-up-and-get-in-the-room"she says grabbing her and throwing her into the room as Lucinda walks in behind her

Aphmau:"Goodnight!"she says before shutting the door

Leif:"What just happened?"

Rhys:"That was very confusing?"


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