A Horrible Morning

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No Ones POV

Aphmau wakes up and sees Lief hovering over Ava

Lief:"Now I will kill you"he says as he grabs his weapons and points them at Ava who was sleeping

Aphmau quickly gets up and garbs the weapons from the blade part which makes her hands start dripping with blood

Lief:"Wha-what are you doing?!"

Aphmau:"Get away from her!"her hands start bleeding even more but she doesn't show one bit of fear or hurtfulness in her eyes this scared Lief a lot

Lief:"Who are you?"

The girls all wake up then Aphmau starts bleeding from her chest (its the wound from starlight when she got killed)

Lief:'Wait what's going on with you"


Katelyn then pushes Lief out of the way

Kawaii-Chan:"Aphmau your wound its opening"

Ava:"What's going on?"

Aphmau then looks at down and touches her jacket and sees blood all over her hand and chest she then fell on one of her knees

Rhys:"What's going on?!" he looks at Aphmau then angrily turn towards Lief

Lief:"I didn't do that I swear"

Rhys:"Stop lieng I know it was you she's gonna die now, you stabbed her in the heart!"

Aphmau:"I'm fine he only cut my hands"she says as she gets up

Rhys:"How can you be up you have a wound in your heart anyone would die for that"

Aphmau looks down and starts remembering what happened in Starlight

Lucinda:"Shut up Rhys "


Lief:"What's going on with her why is she bleeding from their"

Katelyn:"That is none of your business come Aphmau I'll bandage you up"

Aphmau and Katelyn walk to the Bathroom

Ava:"What happened to Aphmau?"

Lucinda:"It's something none of us wanna remember so please never speak of this again"

The room goes silent

Kawaii-Chan:"Also whats your problem why did you come in and try to attack Ava, Lief?"

Ava:"You where trying to do what?!"

Lucinda:"Kawaii-Chan's right if Aphmau hadn't been there I don't know what would have happened to Ava"

Rhys:"I am so sorry , LIEF!"

Lief:"Ugh what ?"

Rhys:"Why did you attack sorceresses Ava?"

Lief:"Jeez I don't know maybe because she give me a chance to attack her I mean she wouldn't have even woken up if it weren't for the screams"

Lucinda:"That is no excuse , Rhys we had a agreement so why did one of your men try to attack us"

Rhys:"My sincerest apology"

Lucinda:"That isn't enough to pay up for what you did to my friend"

Lief:"What is your friend she's scary she wasn't scared nor did it look like she was in pain when she was bleeding"

Kawaii-Chan:"I've you knew the thing she's been through you wouldn't say that"she says with a dark voice

Rhys:"What happened in your world?"

Aphmau slams the door open and then both the daemos and Ava stare in shock

Aphmau:"Please do not speak of that"

Rhys:"Right , i'm sorry"

Lief:"I'm sorry for what I did to you"

Aphmau:"Your forgiven just don't try to kill any of us anymore"

Lief:"No promises!"he says as he teleports out of the room

Rhys:"That idiot, I'll make sure that they don't bother you"

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