She is Irene

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Rhys:"What's going on?"

Lucinda:"The truth of who an what she is"

Katelyn:"Aphmau isn't a human nor ever was"

Kawaii-Chan:"She isn't a Lupine either"

All the girls except for Ava:"She's Irene"

Everyone except the 3 of them:"WHAT!!!"

Lucinda:"Please we beg of you don't tell anyone "

Asch:"We kinda figured she had been Irene actually"

Rhys:"Yeah me and Prince Asch where looking into the fact of her being Irene, but now she really is her"

Pierce:"But is she okay right now?"

Kawaii-Chan:"She'll probably wake up anytime now..............."


Aphmau:"*Gasp*What happened where am I?"

Lucinda:"Calm down Aphmau"Aphmau then shakes her head and looks at Pierce

Aphmau:"I'm sorry for hurting you guys...."

Noi:"It's okay Irene"she looks at him and her eyes widen and she starts tearing up

Lief:"You made her cry NOI!"

Aphmau:"Sorry it's just that I didn't plan to let anyone now about me because I hurt them"

Pierce:"Its okay Queen Aphmau" he says wiping her tears away

Aphmau:"Thank you fro still calling me Aphmau"

Lief:"Why aren't you Irene?"

Aphmau:"To a certain measure yes but my names Aphmau, so please only call me Aphmau still"she says with a sad smile

Daemos and Ava:"Yes"

Aphmau then gets up and walks towards Lucinda

Lucinda:"Why don't you rest"

Aphmau:"But I don't want to"

Lucinda:"Please Aphmau?"

Aphmau:"Sure but can I at least first eat something?"

Katelyn:"Here you go"she says handing her a hotdog

Aphmau:"Thank you so much"

After Aphmau ate she went to sleep

With the Daemos

Rhys:"So what do we do about her being Irene?"

Asch:"Just act normal I'm interested in how this will go"

Lief:"Sounds interesting for sure"

Asch's Mind:"hmm I wonder what will happen?"

Later that afternoon

Aphmau:"I'm bored"

Lucinda:"Yeah now that I think about it we haven't done much today"

Ava:"How about we just binge-watch a series?"

Aphmau:"Yes that sounds like something I want to do"

~~~After a couple minutes of watching a Netflix series~~~

Ava:"I'm going to sleep"

Lucinda:"Why don't we just sleepover here in the living room"

(even though it's still day time)

Katelyn:"You guys could but sign me out of it"


Katelyn just ignored him and got up and walked into Ava's room

Noi:"How come shes ignoring us?"

Aphmau:"She doesn't only not trust you but she hates you a lot"


Lief:"I wonder why?"

All the girls turn to Asch


Kawaii-Chan:"Yeah I wonder why Asch"

Asch:"I said I didn't mean to"

Ava:"Let's just continue on the series"

~~~Time Skip~~~(Early next morning)

Aphmau's POV

As I wake up I fell very warm I was being hold by two persons I thought it might have been Ava , Lucinda , or Kawaii-Chan but when I open eyes slowly to see Asch holding me from my back and Pierce from the front I felt how my face started heating up I start to push away from both of them but as soon as I do they pull me back and closer this made me blush more then Pierce start cuddling on me I didn't want them to wake up to his awkward situation but then I see Pierce opening his eyes he looks towards me and then I close my eyes he then pats my head a just cuddles against me more and feel back asleep .

Aphmau's mind:"Did he just go back to sleep!?"

Then I feel Asch's hand going down my back then he grabs my tail and this made me twitch I stand up

Aphmau:"Asch why did you do that!?"I say blushing so much

Asch:"You were awake!?"

Pierce:"Whats going on?"

Aphmau:"No-nothing"I say rubbing my arm and looking down

Lucinda:"I'm awake !"she says jumping up

Kawaii-Chan the jumps up because of the sudden movement

No One's POV

Lucinda:"What's going on?"

Aphmau:"Noth-"she then turns and sees Ava and Noi cuddling

All the girls look in aww and take pictures

Lucinda:"Ima gonna show them these when they wake up they look so cute"

Kawaii-Chan:"I'm gonna use them for my new ship!"

Aphmau:"I'm gonna blackmail her with these"The girls both turn to Aphmau

Aphmau:"I mean...look they look so cute , haha!"

Aphmau Mind:"This is gonna be a long day"

(Too cheesy with the Pierce and Asch part?)

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