At the Park with Daemos

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At the Park

Ava:"And here we ar-"she turns around and sees so many people

Ava:"Why is there so many people , okay we ha-"she turns and sees that no ones behind

Ava:"Darn it you-"

~~~Time Skip~~~(After the tantrum😓😅)

She then starts looking for everyone she finds Lief first he was in a trash can while human girls watched as hey dug threw the trash

Ava:"Lief what are you doing ?"

Lief:"Looking for vitiam D to get more powerful"

Ava:"Let's just go your causing to much distraction your gonna attract humans"she says trying to drag him but she couldn't

Lief:"Hah you can't drag me!"

Ava:"But you can follow so come on"she leads to a certain place then places a picnic blanket and tell him

Ava:"This is barrier you have to stay here or you die if you leave without permission!"

Lief:"What this sucks ,but I do like the thrill of my life being in danger"

She then goes and sees Aphmau Asch Lucinda and Noi in a playground looking at kids

Kid :"Well the dance goes like this sir"he starts flossing

Aphmau and Lucinda cringe at this while Asch and Noi are amaze at it

Noi:"Whoa how did you do that?"

Asch:"He was so fast I couldn't keep up"

Ava the comes up

Ava:"Were leaving and I better not see you guys doing that at my house Lucinda Noi and Asch followed not noticing Aphmau had left to another place

She then tells Asch Noi and Lucinda to stay here

Ava:"Okay you guys have to stay here you leave you die !"she then walks away looking for the others

Lief:"Ha they caught you"

Asch:"Wait Aphmau where is she?"

Lucinda:"She was with us a moment ago were is she"

Noi:"I'm sure Ava will look for her"

Asch the just looked angry towards the sky

Lucinda:"What's wrong?"

Asch:"Nothing human witch"

Lucinda the just sighs and starts digging through the picnic basket to see what she can find

Aphmau's POV

I left as soon as I saw the kid do that It was so cringe I walked around and the I saw Pierce he was looking at two men playing chess

Aphmau:"Hey Pierce"


Forgot not much of a talker

Aphmau:"What are you looking at?"

Pierce:"I'm seeing them play war"

Old person:"For the last time it's chess"


Aphmau:"Were so sorry for bothering you come on Pierce let's go do something else"she says pointing towards the Ice cream truck

Pierce:"Yes"he says following her

Ice cream Person:"Her you go your Ice-creams"

Aphmau:"Thanks , here you go Pierce"she says handing him an Ice cream cone

Pierce:"What is this?"

Aphmau:"Ice-cream your world seems to be very gloomy if you don't have this over their eat it , it taste good"she says as he starts eating it

Pierce:"Wow i've never tasted anything like this!"he says finishing it Aphmau then smiles and gives him , her Ice-cream

Pierce:"Why are you giving it to me?"he says looking at her with a confused look

Aphmau:"You haven't eaten ice-cream so i'd like if you took mine"

Pierce:"Rea-really?"she smiles and gives it to him he starts blushing lightly and eats it

Aphmau:"Didn't take anytime their huh?"

Pierce:"Aphmau do you care for us?"she starts blushing and so does he

Aphmau:"I .... what do you mean ?"

Pierce:"You and Ava keep , keeping us why?"

Aphmau:"Well I guess I just like helping others for Ava I don't know why she keeps you"she says looking towards the sky

Pierce:"Why do you like helping others"

Aphmau:"You know for a guy who doesn't talk much you say deep words you know that right"he looks at her confused

Aphmau:"*sigh*you see in my world everything's suppose to be this peaceful but not so long ago me and my friends went through something and many of us lost important things"she says now looking down to the floor trying to hold back tears then Pierce pats her head

Aphmau:"Thank you for your kindness:"she says looking up to him then back to the ground

Pierce:"......"he has a flashback to a time back in daemos then comes back to reality

Aphmau:"Are you okay you look worried and confused at the same time"he just nods then Aphmau did the same thing he did for her , she pats his head of course she teepy-toes

Pierce:"....."then she accidentally touches his horns Pierce starts blushing at this so much , she keeps on grabbing his horns and he starts blushing even more

Then all the group walks towards them they both turn around Aphmau's hands still on Pierces horns .The Asch runs up to them and grabs Aphmau's hands of Pierce's horns.Lief looks extremely angry at Pierce and Rhys and Noi just stare. the girls where all confused

Aphmau:"What are you doing !?"she says pulling her hand away

Asch:"What are you doing!?"she looks at him with a confused look

Aphmau:"What are you talking about?"she says looking even more confused by the second

Asch:"Your just touching his horns like that have you no respect!?"he was so out of control that he threw a fireball at Aphmau

Cliffhanger what will happen next?

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