Whats going on!?

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~~~Time Skip~~~

In a morning Ava got a call but when they thought that they hanged up on her they said mean things about her an we all heard so we came up with the plan to make Ava Instagram famous, and Lucinda was catching up with the others through her spell

Aphmau:"Okay then why don't you change clothing to something else?"

Ava:"Like what I don't have any good-looking clothe?"

Katelyn:"Why don't you wear Aphmau's black sports bra and her short white ripped jeans?"

Kawaii-Chan:"Oh I'll take the pictures"

Ava:"Why don't you Aphmau pose with me we kinda look like twins so it will look nice"

Aphmau:"Sure, but I can't wear anything short or non-long sleeve"

Ava:"Right I've never seen you wear something short why?"

Aphmau:"I do but only to work-out other then that I don't"

Ava:"I won't ask let's just get famous"


They take some pictures together and two selfies apart then Lief and Asch walk out from the portal wall and they get in a picture where Aphmau and Ava where posing together

Asch:"Ugh its that blinding magic thing again!"

Lief:"Did you see that she took are bodies into that thing"

Aphmau:"Are you guys dense she just took a picture!"

Lief:"A picture?"

Then All the daemos start walking out of the portal

Rhys:"What's going in here"

Leif:"They took us into there magic slab"

Kawaii-Chan:"Oh right you guy's don't know what a picture is do you?"

Katelyn:"A picture is something humans use to record themselves or history"

Aphmau:"Odd way to put it but it makes sense in their language"

Noi:"Wow that sounds so cool can I try?"

Ava:"No at least not right now I'm engaging in a picture battle with humans that don't care about my existence"

Aphmau:"I just you get a lot of likes so you can shove it in their stupid huma-I mean faces"

Noi:"What are likes?"

Katelyn:"There peoples thoughts on you and they make you become more uhhh..powerful yeah that right and the more you have"

Asch:"Really now?"

Ava then looks down at her phone

Ava:"This isn't right I just posted this 5 minutes ago and I should have been famous by now?"

Leif:"You can get that powerful in such a small amount of time?"

Aphmau:"Just give it some time Ava"

Ava:"You know what I'm gonna get into my clothe"

Aphmau:"Wait I have an idea hey Lief do you wanna become more powerful?"


Aphmau:"Come over here I'ma take a picture of you"

Leif:"How do you d-"

Aphmau:"Say cheese"and she takes a pic of him

Katelyn:"You think we should have done that ?"

Kawaii-Chan:"Yeah Ava might get mad "

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