Ava's Boyfriend

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~~~Next Day~~~

Lucinda:"Wow this thing has to be very old look how much dust it has"

Rhys:"Wow what is this ?"

Kawaii-Chan:"It's a camera like when we took photos of you remember"

Rhys:"Oh yeah it looks different thought"

Ava:"Cause it's the old version of them now we have to fix this shall we ?"she says looking at Lucinda and Kawaii-Chan

(Katelyn's mad at all of them so she just stays in the room with Aphmau who is still sleeping while the other daemos except Noi are in the wall)

Rhys:"Can I help by any chance?"

Ava:"Sure the more the merrier and faster"

They start working on the camera while Kawaii-Chan sat on the couch petting both the cats and Noi also looking at the camera in amazement

~~~Time Skip~~~

Ava:"Okay we fixed it for the second time so please don't touch it again NO=oi and call everyone else so we can take a picture"

He calls in the other Daemos and Katelyn he even tried getting Aphmau but they told him not to since she was still in her sleep

Ava:"Okay stay very still so we can take this picture"

Then at that moment two men come in the room one of them throws the camera while another grabs Ava they both start saying some weird things at the guys then Ava gets scared and says

Ava:"Lief quick knock us out"

Lief did as he was told and knocked Ava out too

Lucinda:"Did you just knock her out too!?"

Lief:"She told me to"

Rhys:"She probably misspoke she did seem very worried"

Lief:"I can wake her up don't worry"he wakes her up

Ava:"Wait did you knock me out too , ugh doesn't matter just help me get them out of the house and then you guys get out of here you too girls"

They all did that but while Ava was speaking to the men Noi stayed and looked at the camera he dropped again he popped his head out and said

Noi:"Umm I broke the camera again"

Ava's Dad:"Who is that boy?"

Ava:"Umm I can explain"

Noi:"Im Ava's boyfriend!"

Ava's Dad:"What!"

Aphmau:"Just kill me"she whispers

~~~Time Skip~~~

Lucinda:"I can't believe were spying on her and Noi's date"

Katelyn:"Come on what can go wrong"

Asch:"Their back!"

Kawaii-Chan:"Oh they seem to be talking about politics?'

Katelyn:"See nothing going wrong"

10 Minutes later

Katelyn:"Oh no everything went wrong the guys are right now outside talking with Ava's parents about do knows what and now they want to marry Ava"

Ava:"Katelyn please strangle me to death...."

Lucinda then walks into the room and sees Ava laying

Lucinda:"Your dads left and they seemed to have layed some rules to the guys"she says with a worried smile

Ava:"I officially am thinking of my funeral"

Lucinda:"It cant be tha-"the Katelyn covers her mouth

Katelyn:"Your gonna jinx it like I did early today "

Kawaii-Chan:"Ava why don't you go to sleep ?"

Ava:"Yes please"she then has a flashback to the date

No One's POV

Ava:"Okay just hold my hand so they think were dating"they both hold hands and start blushing

Ava:"Why are you blushing so much"

Noi:"Is this what its called cause your doing it too"

Asch:"What are they doing?"

Katelyn:"It's something couples do when they love each other in this case they just faking it though"

When Kawaii-Chan and Rhys hear this they start blushing so much and look away

In the restroom

Noi:"Ava do you love me?"

.........Do you love me........?

Ava's Mind :"Why did my heart start beating so much after he said that "she says as she blushes

Lucinda , Katelyn , and Kawaii-Chan then walk out all in their mind saying

Mind:"I hope this gets better tomorrow"

~~~Tomorrow In the morning~~~

Asch:"Mary me princess Ava"

Noi:"No marry me"

This begins a fight with all the daemos screaming

Aphmau's Sleep

Irene:"Child you've been gone for 3 days wake up and rise"

Aphmau wakes up her eyes where white and she was annoyed at the sound her head was spinning she walks out and nobody was noticing then she got mad the noise was so annoying

Aphmau:"SHUT UP"she says as she does a hand movement making a white slash appear and knocking all the daemos out and all the girls look at her scared Aphmau looked up her eyes shining white and her voice filled with hate

Aphmau :"Shut the hell up before I make you"she says with nothing but spite in her eyes

Everyone look at her so scared

Asch:"With one hand movement.."



As soon as Aphmau heard that name all the girls turn to Rhys and signal him to stay quiet but it was too late Aphmau heard him she walks over to him but her body freezes and her eyes turn brown and she falls face first to the ground Pierce catches her

Pierce:"Why was she like that ?"

Lief:"She even scared me for the first time I was afraid who is she?"

All the girls stare at her and stay silent

Rhys:"Whats going on answer us"

Lucinda:"We thought we could hide it but it didn't last for long"

Rhys:"What what's going on?"

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